Group Diagnosis R&D (DE: Diagnose R&D)

The research and development teams are also comprised of bachelor and master students as well as students with short-term work contracts. The names are not shown here unless they allowed their names to be published. The Diagnosis R&D group has several collaborations with other KIT scientists at AIFB, IAR, IMT, IPE, IPQ, etc.

Group DRD Leader
Name Function
Head of Department: Accelerator Research and Development + Operations II
Team Funkner
Name Function
Doctoral researcher
Scientist/THz-Diagnostics, Mathematical Methods, Tomography
Team Gethmann
Name Function
Postdoctoral researcher: Controls, Energy efficiency, IT
Team Nasse
Name Function
1 additional person visible within KIT only.
Team Niehues
Name Function
Scientist, ultra-fast diagnostics
Postdoctoral researcher
Name Function
Postdoctoral researcher
Team Steinmann
Name Function
Doctoral researcher
2 additional persons visible within KIT only.