
  • Serve as an accelerator test facility
    • New beam diagnostics methods and tools
    • Synchronization on a femtosecond level
  • Systematic bunch compression studies
    • Different compression schemes
    • Wide charge range, for example from 1 pC, spanning several orders of magnitude up to 1 nC per bunch
    • Wide bunch length range spanning several orders of magnitude and as short as 1 fs up to 300 fs
  • Compare different coherent THz radiation generation schemes in simulation and experiment
    • Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR)
    • Coherent Edge Radiation (CER)
    • Coherent Transition Radiation (CTR)
  • Create intense THz radiation
    • Spectral range up to 30 THz
    • High electric peak fields up to 1 GV/m