How to Make Catalysts More Efficient DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center “TrackAct” at KIT - among others IBPT partner ITCP - for Understanding Catalytic Processes. more |
ERC Grant for Research with Synchrotron Radiation from KARA Excellent research on actinide compounds: KIT Researcher Tonya Vitova receives ERC Consolidator Grant. more |
3D Image Data: Better Analysis through Automation IBPT partners present open source platform for segmentation of volume images Publication in Nature Communications. more |
Better Acceleration with Artificial Intelligence New project of Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology investigates autonomous particle accelerators. more |
FCCIS workshop 2020 The 2020 FCCIS November meeting 9-13.11.2020 will review the most recent developments of the concepts for the next generation of colliders. The event combines the kick-off meeting of the new EU-funded Horizon 2020 FCC Innovation Study (FCCIS) with the 4th FCC Physics Week. more |
KIT IBPT hosted 24th ESLS-RF Workshop The European Synchrotron Light Source RF (ESLS-RF) Workshop is the annual occasion for the community of RF system for the synchrotron light sources. The purpose of the workshop is to share the status and new developments of the RF system for light sources in operation and planning. more |
KIT IBPT hosts 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting In addition to the review of the progress in the three fundamental areas of current research of short pulse particle accelerators, this workshop also aims for bringing the scientists from universities and Helmholtz centers together that are involved in the current subtopic 3 (ST3) “ps – fs Electron and Photon Beams” of the ARD program with the scientists who have been and will be in the ST3 POF4 topics. more |
Terahertz technologies for low cost 6G networks A new concept to enable ultra-fast wireless communications networks (6G) at low cost was demonstrated by KIT researchers from three KIT institutes: IPQ, IMT, and IBPT. The work was jointly published in Nature Photonics. more |
KARA Supports Corona Research With the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), the KIT provides another infrastructure. more |
Accelerator Award for KIT Johannes L. Steinmann receives the EPS-AG/IPAC'20 Frank Sacherer Prize. more |