Events in 2024/2025

2024 January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

2025 January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Before: 2024 Others & future events: JACoW list, MicroTCA, LEAPSDPG, AKBP, KIT event calendar

2025 December back to top
2025 November back to top
2025 October back to top
2025 September back to top
EAAC 29.-04.  European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop Workshop Elba, Italy
ICALEPCS 20.-26. International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (every 2 years) - Link Chicago, USA
MEDSI 15.-19. 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation - Link Lund, Sweden
IBIC 07.-11. 14th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) - Link Liverpool, UK
2025 August back to top
2025 July back to top
AM4Linacs 31.-01. 1st Additive Manufacturing for Linear Accelerators Workshop (AM4Linacs) - Link Frankfurt, Germany
2025 June back to top
MT-ARD-ST3 25.-27.  13th MT-ARD Subtopic 3 Annual Meeting - Link DESY, Zeuthen (near Berlin)
AI 03.-05. Helmholtz AI Conference 2025 - Link Karlsruhe
IPAC'25 01.-06. International Particle Accelerator Conference 2025 - Link Taipei, Taiwan
2025 May back to top
KIT 17. 10:00
17. 19:00
Tag der offenen Tür + Campus-Tag + Wissenschaftsfestival EFFEKTE - Link KIT CS
Humboldt 15. 20. Humboldt-Tag im Jubiläumsjahr des KIT KIT CS
Libera 14.-16. Libera Workshop'25 - Link Nova Gorica, Slovenia
DEELS 12.-13. Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy
2025 April back to top
LPAW 14.-18. Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop (LPAW 2025) - Link Ischia Island, Naples, Italy
ICFA ML 08.-11. 5th ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine learning for Particle Accelerators - Link CERN
EPICS 07.-11. EPICS Spring Collaboration Meeting - Link ISIS/Diamond, UK
KIT 03. Girls' Day (Link) and Boys' Day (Link) 2025 - Link KIT
RL4AA 02.-04. Reinforcement learning for autonomous accelerators (RL4AA’25) - Link DESY, Hamburg
Messe 31.-04. Hannover Messe - Energizing a Sustainable Industry. World.Leading.Industryshow. - Link Hannover
DPG 31.-04. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) - Link Göttingen
2025 March back to top
Messe 31.-04. Hannover Messe - Energizing a Sustainable Industry. World.Leading.Industryshow. - Link Hannover
DPG 31.-04. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) - Link Göttingen
2025 February back to top
HIFIS 25.-27. deRSE25 - Conference for Research Software Engineering - Link KIT, SCC
KIT 26. PoF evaluation Matter - results KIT FTU
KIT 25. PoF evaluation Matter - tours & parallel sessions KIT FTU & tours at Campus North
KIT 24. PoF evaluation Matter - plenary talks KIT FTU
KIT 19. PoF evaluation Matter - Poster (final rehearsal) Tour locations
KIT 17.-18. PoF evaluation Matter - Matter (dress rehearsal) KIT FTU
HIFIS 12.-14. Second Accelerator Middle Layer Workshop - Link - Deadline: 24. Jan. HZB, Berlin
KIT 03.-05. PoF evaluation Matter - Matter (rehearsal with KIT executive board) KIT FTU
2025 January back to top
EuPRAXIA 27.-28. Workshop on WP10: Plasma Components & Systems (Work Packages) - Link
DESY, Hamburg
KIT 22. 09:30
22. 12:30
PoF evaluation Matter - Poster MT (rehearsal - ARD & DTS) Geb. 348, hall
ESPP 19.-22. Concluding German Workshop for ESPP Update (KET) - Link Bad Honnef
KIT 17. PoF evaluation Matter - MML (Matter internal rehearsals)  
KIT 16. PoF evaluation Matter - MU (Matter internal rehearsals)  
KIT 15. 10:00
15. 15:00
PoF evaluation Matter - MT (Matter internal rehearsals - ARD & DTS) KIT IAP,  401
KIT 14. 10:30
14. 16:00
PoF evaluation Matter - Matter (internal rehearsals - strategic topics) KIT IAP, 401
DPG 14. Opening of the Quantum Year 2025 - Link  
KIT 13. 09:00
13. 17:00
PoF evaluation Matter - Matter (internal rehearsals - plenary talks) KIT IAP,  401
KIT 09. 09:00
09. 15:00
PoF evaluation Matter - MT (internal rehearsals) Geb. 348, seminar room
KIT 07.-08. PoF evaluation Matter - slide preparation (internal ARD/IBPT)  
Germany 01., 06. Holidays on 01. & 06.  
2024 December back to top
Germany 24.-26., 31. Free days at KIT on 24. & 31., national holidays on 25.-26.  
DPG 15. 23:59 Deadline DPG abstract submissions - Link Göttingen
MicroTCA 10.-12. 13th MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research - Link DESY, Hamburg
IPAC 10. 23:59 CST (UCT+8) Deadline IPAC abstract submissions - Link - and student grant application - Link Taipei, Taiwan
ESLS 08.-10. 32nd European Synchrotron Light Source Workshop - Link Diamond, UK
KHuK 05.-06. KHuK Annual Meeting - Link Bad Honnef
DIG-UM 03. ErUM-Data Community: DIG-UM Annual Meeting 2024 - Link online
2024 November back to top
ESPP 27.-29. Workshop "The future of Collider Physics" - Link DESY, Hamburg
ESPP 22.-24. Workshop "The Future of Non-Collider Particle Physics" - Link Bad Honnef
KET 21.-22. KET Annual Meeting - Link Bad Honnef
KIT 20. 09:00
20. 15:00
Studieninformationstag - Link KIT CS, Geb. 30.22, EG
BW 20. Studieninfotag - Link Universities in BW
Germany 01. National holiday  
2024 October back to top
DMLab 17.-18. 4th DMLab Meeting - Link LPNHE Paris, France
KIT IBPT 10. IBPT Betriebsausflugstag - IBPT members excursion day  
KIT 08.-11. RainQuest Hackathon: Precipitation Estimation from Weather Radar Data Challenge - Wissenswoche Mathematik - Link TRIANGEL
KIT INE 07.-11. ATAS – AnXAS 2024 - 2nd Joint Workshop - Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy & Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources - Link KIT CN
WIRMS 07.-11. 12th Int. Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator-Based Sources (WIRMS 2024) - Link Barcelona, Spain
Die Maus 03. Maus-Türöffner-Tag - Link (Anmeldung ab März auf  
Germany 03. National holiday  
ICAP 02.-05. 14th Int. Computational Accelerator Physics Conf. - Link Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany
2024 September back to top
ESSRI 25.-27. Workshop Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures - Link Madrid, Spain
KIT 25. KIT Betriebsausflugstag - Casino at CN closed  
RF2.0 24.-25. RF2.0 project meeting - Link Madrid, Spain
Longitudinal Diagnostics 23.-25. 13th Workshop Longitudinal Electron Bunch Diagnostics - Link Dortmund
CERN70 21. CERN 70 event by KCETA (IMITATRON & IBPT table/posters) Karlsruhe Triangel/Kronenplatz
MT 18.-20. 10. Annual MT Meeting - Link Berlin
KIT 19. Tours Summerschool for Astroparticle Physics KARA & FLUTE
MT 17.-18. Student Retreat before10. Annual MT Meeting - Link Berlin
CERN70 16.-22. CERN70 local outreach events - more events at central CERN page: Link Everywhere in Germany
KIT 11.-12. cSTART TDR meeting KIT IBPT
IBIC 09.-13. 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024) - Link Beijing, China
ErUM-Pro/KfB 05.-06. KfB-Workshop ErUM-Pro Materie Call - Link KIT CN, Bldg. 348
CERN70 03. CERN70 special event - more events at central CERN page: Link Berlin
ASC 01.-06. The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024) - Link Salt Lake City, USA
2024 August back to top
SRI 2024 26.-30. Int. Conf. on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI)  - Link - indico Hamburg
KIT 21. Tours in Science Camp Teilchen- und Astroteilchenphysik - Link KARA & FLUTE
EPICS 05.-16. EPICS Summer School (Bachelor/Master/PhD/PostDocs)- Link HZB, Berlin-Adlershof
2024 July back to top
MT-ARD-ST3 03.-05. 12th MT-ARD Subtopic 3 Annual Meeting - Link GSI, Darmstadt
2024 June back to top
EURO-LABS 18.-27. Basic Training School on Accelerators (BTS24) - Link Warsaw, Poland
RT 17.-19. FLASH Workshop 2024: The Role of Oxygen in FLASH Radiation Therapy - Link (Deadline abstract submission: 08. April) DKFZ, Heidelberg
Matter 13.-14. Meeting of the KIT Advisory Board Matter, by invitation only KIT
FCC 10.-14. FCC Week 2024/FCCIS - Link San Francisco, USA
KIT 08. KIT-Campustag - Link KIT CS, physics bldg.
2024 May back to top
Germany 30. National holiday  
KET 22.-24. Future Collider @ CERN - German Community Workshop - Link Bonn
IPAC 19.-24. IPAC'24 - 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference - Link Nashville, USA
Germany 20. National holiday (Pfingstmontag)  
Germany 09. National holiday  
Germany 01. National holiday  
2024 April back to top
KIT 25. Girls' Day - Link  
ROCK-IT 23.-25. ROCK-IT Workshop "Implementation of Bluesky" - Link (own labtop with docker installed required for participation) KIT
AFAD 17.-19. Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors - Link Taiwan
Libera 17.-19. iTech / Libera Workshop - Link  
KIT 17. Tour - school class from Copenhagen (~25 pupils) KARA
I.FAST 16.-19. 3rd I.FAST Annual Meeting - Link Paris, France
ROCK-IT 16.-17. 3rd Helmholtz ROCK-IT project meeting - Link HZB, Berlin-Adlershof
KIT 16. Tour by Campus Guide with group Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft St. Gallen -  organized by KIT Veranstaltungsmanagement KARA
EPICS 15.-18. EPICS Collaboration Meeting - Link South Korea
Germany 01. National holiday (Ostermontag)  
2024 March back to top
Germany 29. National holiday (Karfreitag)  
DPG 17.-22. DPG Frühjahrstagung (Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP)) - Link TU Berlin
KSETA 13.-15. 11th KSETA Plenary Workshop 2024 - Link Wildberg
THz 12.-13. 11. Int. Workshop zu Terahertz-Technologie und Anwendungen - Link Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern
Hercules 11.-15. Hercules School - Link KARA with KIT Light Source
I.FAST 07.-08. I.FAST Workshop 2024 on Injectors for Storage Ring Based Light Sources - Link KIT
ICFA ML 05.-08. 4th ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators Link South Korea
KCETA 05.-07. Tours for participants of DPG spring meeting particle physics (2 tours a 45 min, 13:15-15:15, each day, TBC) KIT KARA/FLUTE
I.FAST 03.-06. I.FAST Workshop 2024 on Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems and Related Beam Dynamics - Link KIT
2024 February back to top
MT 29. MT Strategy Meeting - Link Kassel
IPAC 28. IPAC Early-Bird Registration Deadline - Link  
KIT 21. Strahlenschutz, Sicherheit, Unfallverhütung KIT CN, B348
DPG 14. 23:59 DPG Frühbuchertarif - Deadlines TU Berlin
I.FAST 13.-16. 9th Low Emittance Rings Workshop 2024 - Link CERN
Germany 12. Rosenmontag  
KCETA 09. Julius Wess Award 2023 Ceremony - Link KIT CS, NTI lecture hall, Bldg. 30.10
KIT 06. 13:30 IBPT/LAS-BPT Meeting KIT CN, B348
RL4AA 05.-07. 2nd Collaboration Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Accelerators (RL4AA'24)  Link - Github Salzburg
jDPG 05. Arbeitsgruppenvorstellung: "Arbeitsgruppen stellen sich vor" Link KIT, Gaede-Foyer
KIT 05. N. Hiller, PSI, Seminar KIT
2024 January back to top
KfB 31. Vollversammlung Forum des KfB online
KIT im Rathaus 29. KIT-Zentrum Health Technologies stellt sich vor - Link Rathaus am Marktplatz, Bürgersaal (1. OG)
Karl-Friedrich-Straße 10
HealthTech 26. Tour for Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki delegation KIT KARA/FLUTE
MathSEE 25. Oberseminar Inverse Problems CS, B20.30, SR2.067
MT 25. MT Strategy Meeting - Link online
ErUM-Data 23.-24. BMBF Prisma-Strategiegespräch Themengebiet "Data" Hamburg, hybrid
RF2.0 22.-23. Kick-Off Meeting Research Facility 2.0 (RF2.0) - Link KIT CN, B348
KIT 19. M. Fuchs, Laser-Plasma Accelerators: Particle Acceleration in a Nutshell - Link Physikalisches Kolloquium, KIT CS, Geb. 30.22, Lehmann-Hörsaal
ErUM-Data 15.-16. ErUM-Data Strategiemeeting Vorbereitung - Link online
KIT 10. Strahlenschutz, Sicherheit, Unfallverhütung KIT CN, B348