Publications on physics modeling, simulation, machine learning (ML) and applications of ML for accelerator operations and R&D.
Publications AI/ML
PhD ThesesAutomatic Control of Linear Particle Accelerators with Machine Learning Methods. PhD dissertation
Xu, C.
2025, February 4. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000178623
Journal ArticlesBayesian optimization algorithms for accelerator physics
Roussel, R.; Edelen, A. L.; Boltz, T.; Kennedy, D.; Zhang, Z.; Ji, F.; Huang, X.; Ratner, D.; Garcia, A. S.; Xu, C.; Kaiser, J.; Pousa, A. F.; Eichler, A.; Lübsen, J. O.; Isenberg, N. M.; Gao, Y.; Kuklev, N.; Martinez, J.; Mustapha, B.; Kain, V.; Mayes, C.; Lin, W.; Liuzzo, S. M.; St. John, J.; Streeter, M. J. V.; Lehe, R.; Neiswanger, W.
2024. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 27 (8), Art.-Nr.: 084801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.27.084801Reinforcement learning-trained optimisers and Bayesian optimisation for online particle accelerator tuning
Kaiser, J.; Xu, C.; Eichler, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Stein, O.; Bründermann, E.; Kuropka, W.; Dinter, H.; Mayet, F.; Vinatier, T.; Burkart, F.; Schlarb, H.
2024. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), Artkl.Nr.: 15733. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-66263-yBridging the gap between machine learning and particle accelerator physics with high-speed, differentiable simulations
Kaiser, J.; Xu, C.; Eichler, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2024. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 27 (5), Art.-Nr.: 054601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.27.054601 -
Conference PapersTowards few-shot reinforcement learning in particle accelerator control
Hirlaender, S.; Lamminger, L.; Pochaba, S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Xu, C.; Scomparin, L.; Kaiser, J.; Kain, V.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 1804–1807, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-TUPS60Comparison of Bayesian optimization and the reduction of resonance driving terms in the optimization of the dynamic aperture of the BESSY III MBA lattice
Kuske, B.; Arlandoo, M.; Ries, M.; Schaelicke, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 729–732, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-MOPS14Longitudinal phase space density tomography constrained by the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation
Donoso, F.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bruendermann, E.; Frank, M.; Reissig, M.; Funkner, S.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2350–2353, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG55The reinforcement learning for autonomous accelerators collaboration
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Xu, C.; Scomparin, L.; Eichler, A.; Kaiser, J.; Schenk, M.; Pochaba, S.; Hirlaender, S.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 1812–1815, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/jacow-ipac2024-tups62Preliminary results on the reinforcement learning-based control of the microbunching instability
Scomparin, L.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Xu, C.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Steinmann, J. L.; Becker, J.; Schuh, M.; Schuh, M.; Caselle, M.; Dritschler, T.; Mochibashi, A.; Weber, M.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 1808–1811, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-TUPS61 -
Reports/PreprintsMicrosecond-Latency Feedback at a Particle Accelerator by Online Reinforcement Learning on Hardware
Scomparin, L.; Caselle, M.; Garcia, A. S.; Xu, C.; Blomley, E.; Dritschler, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Kopmann, A.; Becker, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Weber, M.
2024. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.16177Cheetah: Bridging the Gap Between Machine Learning and Particle Accelerator Physics with High-Speed, Differentiable Simulations
Kaiser, J.; Xu, C.; Eichler, A.; Garcia, A. S.
2024. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2401.05815 -
PresentationsReinforcement Learning-trained Optimisers and Bayesian Optimisation for Online Continuous Tuning
Kaiser, J.; Xu, C.; Eichler, A.; Garcia, A. S.; Stein, O.; Bründermann, E.; Kuropka, W.; Dinter, H.; Mayet, F.; Vinatier, T.; Burkart, F.; Schlarb, H.
2024, March 5. 4th ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators (ICFA 2024), Gyeongju, South Korea, March 5–8, 2024Utilizing differentiable beam dynamics code for simulated optimization
Xu, C.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2024, July 5. 12th MT Accelerator Research and Development ST3 Meeting (MT ARD ST3 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, July 3–5, 2024Applying Reinforcement Learning to Particle Accelerators: An Introduction
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2024, March 5. 4. ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Accelerators (2024), Gyeongju, South Korea, March 5–8, 2024Breakthrough in real-time Control with reinforcement learning on hardware at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kopmann, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Xu, C.; Becker, J.; Müller, A. S.
2024, February 5. 2. Collaboration Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Accelerators (RL4AA 2024), Salzburg, Austria, February 5–7, 2024 -
PostersResearch Data Management and Data Flow in ROCK-IT
Widmann, C.; Amersdorfer, M.; Biniyaminov, V.; Bründermann, E.; Doronkin, D.; Gethmann, J.; Grunwaldt, J. D.; Kolli, S. K.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Sapronov, A.; Weidler, P.; Xu, C.; Zimina, A. V.; Müller, A.-S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024Longitudinal phase space density tomography constrained by the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation
Donoso, F.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Reißig, M.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Frank, M.; Müller, A. S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024
Journal ArticlesBayesian optimization of the beam injection process into a storage ring
Xu, C.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2023. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 26 (3), Artkl.Nr.: 034601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.26.034601 -
Conference PapersIntegration of an Optimizer Framework into the Control System at KARA
Xu, C.; Blomley, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Zhang, M.
2023. V. R. W. Schaa, A. Götz, J. Venter, K. White, M. Robichon & V. Rowland (Eds.), Proceedings of ICALEPCS2023, Cape Town, South Africa, 7th-13th October 2023, 570–574, Joint Accelerator Conferences Website Publishing (JACoW). doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TUPDP030How can Machine Learning help Future Light Sources?
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Xu, C.; Scomparin, L.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Carne, G. de; Müller, A.-S.
2023. Future Light Sources 2023 : 67th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop FLS 2023, 249–256, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TH3D3Active deep learning for nonlinear optics design of a vertical FFA accelerator
Oeftiger, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Lagrange, J.-B.; Hirlaender, S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 7th-12th MAy 2023, 2709–2712, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPA026Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; Tomin, S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 07th -12th May 2023, 4483–4486, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL028Beam trajectory control with lattice-agnostic reinforcement learning
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Kaiser, J.; Eichler, A.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4487–4490, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL029A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Steinmann, J.; Weber, M.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vernedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4479–4482, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL027Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
Koetter, S.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schuh, M.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4475–4478, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL025Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Schreiber, P.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th - 12th May 2023, 2681–2684, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPA018Advanced diagnostic detectors for rogue phenomena, single-shot applications
Caselle, M.; Bielawski, S.; Chilingaryan, S.; Czwalinna, M. K.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Kunakovskaya, E.; Manzhura, O.; Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Roussel, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Steffen, B.; Steinmann, J.; Szwaj, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Ulusoy, A. C.; Weber, M.; Simon, F.
2023. G. Herink, D. R. Solli & S. Bielawski (Eds.), Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications VIII, 17, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2657489 -
Reports/PreprintsLearning to Do or Learning While Doing: Reinforcement Learning and Bayesian Optimisation for Online Continuous Tuning
Kaiser, J.; Xu, C.; Eichler, A.; Garcia, A. S.; Stein, O.; Bründermann, E.; Kuropka, W.; Dinter, H.; Mayet, F.; Vinatier, T.; Burkart, F.; Schlarb, H.
2023. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2306.03739Bayesian Optimization Algorithms for Accelerator Physics
Roussel, R.; Edelen, A. L.; Boltz, T.; Kennedy, D.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, X.; Ratner, D.; Garcia, A. S.; Xu, C.; Kaiser, J.; Eichler, A.; Lubsen, J. O.; Isenberg, N. M.; Gao, Y.; Kuklev, N.; Martinez, J.; Mustapha, B.; Kain, V.; Lin, W.; Liuzzo, S. M.; John, J. S.; Streeter, M. J. V.; Lehe, R.; Neiswanger, W.
2023. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.05667 -
PresentationsML-based control at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2023, November 29. 3rd UltraSync Workshop (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 29–30, 2023Breakthrough in real-time control with reinforcement learning on hardware at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kopmann, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Xu, C.; Becker, J.; Müller, A. S.
2023, October 11. 9th Annual MT Meeting "Matter and Technologies" (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 9–11, 2023How can Machine Learning help Future Light Sources?
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2023, August 31. 67th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources (FLS 2023), Lucern, Switzerland, August 27–September 1, 2023Reinforcement Learning Applications at Particle Accelerators
Xu, C.; Kaiser, J.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Bruendermann, E.; Eichler, A.
2023, July 6. 11th MT-ARD Subtopic 3 Annual Meeting (MT-ARD-ST3 2023), Dresden, Germany, July 5–7, 2023Machine Learning activities at KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kötter, S.-R.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J.; Xu, C.; Müller, A. S.
2023, July 3. ACCLAIM Meeting (2023), Jena, Germany, July 3–4, 2023Transverse and longitudinal modulation of photoinjection pulses at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Kötter, S.-R.; Sax, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, April 24. Kick-Off Meeting ErUM-Pro project EVEBUD (2023), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, April 24, 2023Beam Trajectory Control with Lattice-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Kaiser, J.; Müller, A. S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2023, March 22. DPG Frühjahrstagung, Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–24, 2023Highlights and News - KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2023, March 3. ACCLAIM Meeting (2023), Online, March 3, 2023Highlights & news from KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bruendermann, E.; Kötter, S.-R.; Scomparin, L.; Xu, C.; Caselle, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, February 3. ACCLAIM Meeting (2023), Online, February 3, 2023 -
PostersSystematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Schreiber, P.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, September 26. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, May. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, May. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
Caselle, M.; Weber, M.; Kopmann, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Steinmann, J.; Scomparin, L.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.; Blomley, E.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schuh, M.; Koetter, S.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.; Blomley, E.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Active deep learning for nonlinear optics design of a vertical FFA accelerator
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Lagrange, J.-B.; Hirlaender, S.; Oeftiger, A.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
Xu, C.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Tomin, S.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Beam trajectory control with lattice-agnostic reinforcement learning
Xu, C.; Kaiser, J.; Eichler, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023
Conference PapersKINGFISHER: A Framework for Fast Machine Learning Inference for Autonomous Accelerator Systems
Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Boltz, T.
2022. Data Acquisition and Processing Platforms - International Beam Instrumentation Conference (11th), Kraków, Poland, 11-15 September 2022, 151–155, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MOP42Optimization Studies of Simulated THz Radiation at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schwarz, M.; Schäfer, J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 2292–2295, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-WEPOMS023Surrogate Modelling of the FLUTE Low-Energy Section
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schäfer, J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 1182–1185, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-TUPOPT070Transverse and Longitudinal Modulation of Photoinjection Pulses at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Sax, C.; Schäfer, J.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 1174–1177, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-TUPOPT068 -
Reports/PreprintsOn the Perturbation of Synchrotron Motion in the Micro-Bunching Instability
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2022. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2211.15086 -
PresentationsFrom usage of machine learning to possible impact in the ARD research program
Bründermann, E.; Thévenet, M.; Steinhagen, R. J.; Schnizer, P.; Hoffmann, N.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2022, September 27. 8. Annual MT Meeting (2022), Hamburg, Germany, September 26–27, 2022Transverse and longitudinal modulation of photoinjection pulses at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Sax, C.; Bründermann, E.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.; Müller, A. S.
2022, September 26. 8. Annual MT Meeting (2022), Hamburg, Germany, September 26–27, 2022Bayesian Optimization of Simulated THz Radiation at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schäfer, J.; Schwarz, M.; Müller, A. S.
2022, September 9. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Transverse and longitudinal modulation of photoinjection pulses at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Sax, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Machine learning to control and predict beam properties
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Caselle, M.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J. L.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Beam diagnostics and meachine learning 2
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2022, April 29. I.FAST Workshop "Beam diagnostics and dynamics in ultra-low emittance rings" (2022), Online, April 25–29, 2022Optimization Studies of Simulated THz Radiation at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schäfer, J.; Schwarz, M.; Müller, A. S.
2022, March. DPG-Frühjahrstagung : Physik der Hadronen und Kerne (HK), Plasmaphysik (P), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) (2022), Online, March 28–April 1, 2022 -
PostersSurrogate Modelling of the FLUTE Low-Energy Section
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schäfer, J.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September. 8. Annual MT Meeting (2022), Hamburg, Germany, September 26–27, 2022Optimization Studies of Simulated THz Radiation at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schäfer, J.; Schwarz, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022THz Radiation Optimization at Linac using Machine Learning Methods
Xu, C.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2022, November. 3rd ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators (2022), Chicago, IL, USA, November 1–4, 2022Optimization Studies of Simulated THz Radiation at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schwarz, M.; Schäfer, J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022Surrogate Modelling of the FLUTE Low-Energy Section
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schäfer, J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022Transverse and Longitudinal Modulation of Photoinjection Pulses at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Sax, C.; Schäfer, J.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022
PhD ThesesMicro-Bunching Control at Electron Storage Rings with Reinforcement Learning. PhD dissertation
Boltz, T.
2021, November 25. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000140271 -
Journal ArticlesAccelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Fast Feedback of Beam Dynamics at KARA
Wang, W.; Caselle, M.; Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Dritschler, T.; Ebersoldt, A.; Kopmann, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schreiber, P.; Bründermann, E.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Fang, Y.
2021. IEEE transactions on nuclear science, 68 (8), 1794–1800. doi:10.1109/TNS.2021.3084515 -
Conference PapersFirst Steps Toward an Autonomous Accelerator, a Common Project Between DESY and KIT
Eichler, A.; Burkart, F.; Kaiser, J.; Kuropka, W.; Stein, O.; Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 2182–2185, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-TUPAB298Machine Learning Based Spatial Light Modulator Control for the Photoinjector Laser at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Sax, C.; Widmann, C.; Eichler, A.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 3332–3335, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-WEPAB289Excitation of Micro-Bunching in Short Electron Bunches Using RF Amplitude Modulation
Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Yan, M.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 3173–3176, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-WEPAB233Effect of Negative Momentum Compaction Operation on the Current- Dependent Bunch Length
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Papash, A. I.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 2786–2789, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-WEPAB083On Possibility of Alpha-buckets Detecting at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 167–170, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-MOPAB037 -
Reports/PreprintsDetuning Properties of RF Phase Modulation in the Electron Storage Ring KARA
Mochihashi, A.; Maier, S.; Blomley, E.; Schuh, M.; Huttel, E.; Boltz, T.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Teytelman, D.
2021. doi:10.5445/IR/1000141224 -
PresentationsMachine Learning Activities for Particle Accelerators at KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Boltz, T.; Bruchon, N.; Bründermann, E.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, December. ACCLAIM Meeting (2021), Online, December 14–15, 2021Inverse Problems: THz- and phase space tomography and machine learning
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.
2021, November 22. Mathematik in der Teilchen- und Astroteilchenphysik: Diskussion zukünftiger Zusammenarbeit und Identifikation gemeinsamer Projekte (2021), Online, November 22, 2021Introduction and Plans - KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2021, January 15. ACCLAIM Kick-Off Meeting (2021), Online, January 15, 2021Highlights and News - KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2021, September 17. ACCLAIM Meeting (2021), Online, September 17, 2021Highlights & News @KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bruchon, N.; Caselle, M.; Bründermann, E.; Kopmann, A.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, August 20. ACCLAIM Meeting (2021), Online, August 20, 2021Highlights and News
Santamaria Garcia, A.
2021, July 23. ACCLAIM Meeting (2021), Online, July 23, 2021Reinforcement Learning
Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Xu, C.; Bruchon, N.
2021, July 1. 2nd Action Plan ErUM-Data Community Meeting (2021), Online, July 1, 2021Highlights & News @KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bruchon, N.; Caselle, M.; Bründermann, E.; Kopmann, A.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, May 28. ACCLAIM Meeting (2021), Online, May 28, 2021Machine Learning activities for accelerators @ KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Sax, C.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, May 12. LEAPS Integrated Platform Workshop (LIP 2021), Online, May 11–12, 2021Modulation of Photoinjector Laser with SLM
Xu, C.
2021, February 1. 7th MT student retreat (2021), Online, February 1, 2021Machine Learning Activities at KIT for Accelerators
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Sax, C.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, February 3. 7th Annual MT Meeting (Part 1) (2021), Online, February 1–3, 2021Towards Automatic Tuning and Control of Accelerators
Xu, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Nabinger, M.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Sax, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, September 30. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021Control of bunch oscillations using Bunch-by-Bunch capable systems at KARA
Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.
2021, September 30. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bründermann, E.; Boltz, T.; Bruchon, N.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, September 8. HeKKSaGOn (German-Japanese University Alliance) Data Science Workshop (2021), Online, September 7–8, 2021Towards control of a photoinjector by using spatial light modulators at FLUTE
FLUTE Collaboration; Sax, C.; Nasse, M.; Widmann, C.; Mai, C.; Xu, C.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, March 17. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos - Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (SMuK 2021), Online, March 15–19, 2021Bayesian optimization of injection efficiency at KARA using Gaussian processes
Xu, C.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, March 17. DPG-Frühjahrstagung / Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik - AKBP: Beam Dynamics - AKBP 1.7 (2021), Online, March 15–19, 2021Excitation of micro-bunching in short electron bunches using RF amplitude modulation
Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, March 15. DPG- Frühjahrstagung / Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik - AKBP: Beam Dynamics - AKBP 1.10 (2021), Online, March 14–19, 2021Effect of Negative Momentum Compaction Operation on the Current- Dependent Bunch Length
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, March 15. DPG-Frühjahrstagung / Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik - AKBP: Beam Dynamics - AKBP 1.7 (2021), Online, March 15–19, 2021 -
PostersMachine Learning Based Spatial Light Modulator Control for the Photoinjector Laser at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Sax, C.; Widmann, C.; Eichler, A.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021Excitation of Micro-Bunching in Short Electron Bunches Using RF Amplitude Modulation
Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Yan, M.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021Effect of Negative Momentum Compaction Operation on the Current- Dependent Bunch Length
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Papash, A. I.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021First Steps Toward an Autonomous Accelerator, a Common Project Between DESY and KIT
Eichler, A.; Burkart, F.; Kaiser, J.; Kuropka, W.; Stein, O.; Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021On Possibility of Alpha-buckets Detecting at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021 -
Journal Article ReviewsAlpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments) Review
Papash, A.; Brosi, M.; Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Smale, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.
2021, April 29. Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics, 4 (2), 148–178 -
Audio & VideoFirst Steps Toward an Autonomous Accelerator, a Common Project Between DESY and KIT
Eichler, A.; Burkart, F.; Kaiser, J.; Kuropka, W.; Stein, O.; Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.
2021. doi:10.5445/IR/1000137667Machine Learning Based Spatial Light Modulator Control for the Photoinjector Laser at FLUTE
Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Sax, C.; Widmann, C.; Eichler, A.
2021. doi:10.5445/IR/1000137411On Possibility of Alpha-buckets Detecting at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. doi:10.5445/IR/1000137403Excitation of Micro-Bunching in Short Electron Bunches Using RF Amplitude Modulation
Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A. S.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Yan, M.
Conference PapersFeedback Design for Control of the Micro-Bunching Instability based on Reinforcement Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Kaiser, P.; Pohl, C.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Asfour, T.; Müller, A.-S.
2020. Proceedings of the ICFA mini-Workshop on Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators : Zermatt, Switzerland, 23 - 27 September 2019. Ed.: E. Métral, 227–229, Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung (CERN). doi:10.23732/CYRCP-2020-009.227Status of Negative Momentum Compaction Operation at KARA
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Papash, A. I.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2020. Proceedings of the ICFA mini-Workshop on Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators, Zermatt, Switzerland, 23–27 September 2019. Ed.: E. Métral, 297–299, Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung (CERN). doi:10.23732/CYRCP-2020-009.297Systematic studies of the microbunching and weak instability at short bunch lengths
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2020. Proceedings of the ICFA mini-Workshop on Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators, Zermatt, Switzerland, 23–27 September 2019. Ed.: E. Métral, 335–339, Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung (CERN). doi:10.23732/CYRCP-2020-009.335Accelerating Machine Learning for Machine Physics (an AMALEA-project at KIT)
Boltz, T.; Wang, W.; Bründermann, E.; Kopmann, A.; Mexner, W.; Müller, A.-S.
2020. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics control Systems (ICALEPCS 2019). Ed.: K.S. White, Paper: TUCPL06, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-TUCPL06 -
PresentationsFeedback Design for Control of the Micro-Bunching Instability based on Reinforcement Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Kaiser, P.; Pohl, C.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Asfour, T.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, December 16. ICFA mini-Workshop on "Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in particle accelerators" (MCBI 2019), Zermatt, Switzerland, September 23–27, 2019Towards Micro-Bunching Control at Storage Rings with Reinforcement Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Dritschler, T.; Haerer, B.; Klein, M.; Pohl, C.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schreiber, P.; Wang, W.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 15. DPG AKBP Machine Learning Seminar, Bad Honnef, Deutschland (2020), Bad Honnef, Germany, September 14–15, 2020Machine Learning Applications
Bründermann, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 7. Verbundforschung in der Physik der kleinsten Teilchen - KfB-Workshop (2020), Online, September 7–8, 2020Artificial Intelligence Activities at KIT for Accelerators
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 24. 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2020), Online, September 23–24, 2020Efforts in the Negative Momentum Compaction Regime at KARA
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Papash, A.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 24. 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2020), Online, September 23–24, 2020Machine Learning Activities at KIT for Accelerators
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, December 17. AMALEA Final Meeting (2020), Online, December 17, 2020
Journal ArticlesSystematic studies of the microbunching instability at very low bunch charges
Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Papash, A.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Caselle, M.; Rota, L.; Weber, M.; Kuske, P.
2019. Physical review accelerators and beams, 22 (2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.22.020701 -
Conference PapersStudies of the longitudinal microbunching instability at KARA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brundermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Rota, L.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Muller, A.-S.
2019. Beam Tests and Commissioning of Low Emittance Rings - Proceedings ARIES-ICFA Workshop 2019, Karlsruhe, KIT Campus South, 18 - 20 February 2019, 57–58Low and negative alpha commissioning at KARA storage ring
Mochihashi, A.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Harer, B.; Kehrer, B.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Muller, A.-S.
2019. Beam Tests and Commissioning of Low Emittance Rings. Ed.: S. Casalbuoni, 96–98, Institute of Electronic SytemsLongitudinal Beam Manipulation by RF Phase Modulation at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator
Mochihashi, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schuh, M.; Teytelman, D.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 3123–3126, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPTS016Synchronous Measurements of Electron Bunches Under the Influence of the Microbunching Instability
Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 3119–3122, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPTS015New Operation Regimes at the Storage Ring KARA at KIT
Papash, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 1422–1425, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPGW016Status of Operation With Negative Momentum Compaction at KARA
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Papash, A. I.; Müller, A. S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 878–881, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPTS017Perturbation of Synchrotron Motion in the Micro-Bunching Instability
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 108–111, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPGW018Feedback Design for Control of the Micro-Bunching Instability based on Reinforcement Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Kaiser, P.; Pohl, C.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Asfour, T.; Müller, A. S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 104–107, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPGW017 -
PresentationsFirst Experiences with Negative Momentum Compaction at KARA
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Papash, A.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019Systemativc studies of the microbunching and weak instability at short bunch lengths
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A. I.; Rota, L.; Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019, September. ICFA mini-Workshop on "Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in particle accelerators" (MCBI 2019), Zermatt, Switzerland, September 23–27, 2019Synchronous Studies of the Longitudinal Micro-Bunching Instability at KARA
Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Niehues, G.; Nasse, M. J.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019Feedback Design for Control of the Micro-Bunching Instability based on Reinforcement Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Kaiser, P.; Pohl, C.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Asfour, T.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. ICFA mini-Workshop on "Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in particle accelerators" (MCBI 2019), Zermatt, Switzerland, September 23–27, 2019Accelerating Machine Learning for Machine Physics (an AMALEA-project at KIT)
Mexner, W.; Boltz, T.; Wang, W.; Bründermann, E.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. 17th Biennial International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2019), New York, NY, USA, October 5–11, 2019Feedback design for control of the micro-bunching instability based on reinforcement learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019Status of operation with negative momentum compaction at KARA
Schreiber, P.; Papash, A.; Mochihashi, A.; Härer, B.; Schuh, M.; Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019Status and recent highlights of KARA and FLUTE
Härer, B.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Chai, A.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Damminsek, K.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Kaiser, A.; Kehrer, B.; Malygin, A.; Martin, M.; Marsching, S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Schäfer, J.; Schmelzer, T.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Tong, Y.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019 -
PostersLongitudinal Beam Manipulation by RF Phase Modulation at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator
Mochihashi, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schuh, M.; Teytelman, D.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019Synchronous Measurements of Electron Bunches Under the Influence of the Microbunching Instability
Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019New Operation Regimes at the Storage Ring KARA at KIT
Papash, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019Status of Operation With Negative Momentum Compaction at KARA
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Papash, A. I.; Müller, A. S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019Perturbation of Synchrotron Motion in the Micro-Bunching Instability
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Haerer, B.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019Feedback Design for Control of the Micro-Bunching Instability based on Reinforcement Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Kaiser, P.; Pohl, C.; Schreiber, P.; Yan, M.; Asfour, T.; Müller, A. S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019
Journal ArticlesContinuous bunch-by-bunch spectroscopic investigation of the microbunching instability
Steinmann, J. L.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. Physical review accelerators and beams, 21 (11), 110705. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.110705Elaborated Modeling of Synchrotron Motion in Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Solvers
Schönfeldt, P.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Leonard Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. Journal of physics / Conference Series, 1067 (6), Art. Nr.: 062025. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1067/6/062025 -
Conference PapersElaborated Modeling of Synchrotron Motion in Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Solvers
Schönfeldt, P.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 3283–3286, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAK032Studies of Longitudinal Dynamics in the Micro-Bunching Instability Using Machine Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 3277–3279, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAK030 -
PresentationsMachine learning application on the investigation of the micro-bunching instability at storage rings
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018, March 2. ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators (2018), Menlo Park, CA, USA, February 27–March 2, 2018Overview of KIT short bunch activities
Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schelzer, T.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018Challenges of high-repetition rate terahertz diagnostics and data-intensive experiments
FLUTE Collaboration; Bründermann, E.; Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018, April 11. HeKKSaGon Multidisciplinary Joint Workshop toward Fusions between Data and Mathematical Sciences (2018), Osaka, Japan, April 11, 2018Effects of different impedances on longitudinal beam dynamics
Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Müller, A. S.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018Optimization of synchrotron light sources using machine learning
Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A. S.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018 -
PostersElaborated Modeling of Synchrotron Motion in Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Solvers
Schönfeldt, P.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Studies of Longitudinal Dynamics in the Micro-Bunching Instability Using Machine Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Studies of Longitudinal Dynamics in the Micro-Bunching Instability using Machine Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 4th Annual MT Meeting (Part 1) (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 12–14, 2018Studies of Longitudinal Dynamics in the Micro-Bunching Instability using Machine Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 6th ARD ST3 Workshop (2018), Dresden, Germany, September 26–28, 2018
Master's ThesesComprehensive Analysis of Micro-Structure Dynamics in Longitudinal Electron Bunch Profiles. master’s thesis
Boltz, T.
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000068253 -
PresentationsMachine Learning Applications at a Storage Ring
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Rämisch, F.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. 5th ARD ST3 Workshop - Matter and Technology, Zeuthen, Germany, 19-21 July 2017Comprehensive Analysis of Micro-Bunching Instabilities using Machine Learning
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Rämisch, F.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. Seminar, Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Zürich, July 4, 2017Comprehensive Analysis of Micro-Structure Dynamics in Longitudinal Profiles
Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Rämisch, F.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017KIT-IBPT accelerator test facilities status report
Schuh, M.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Rähmisch, F.; Ruprecht, R.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Schedler, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Stöhr, B.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017 -
PostersOnline Data Processing and Machine Learning
Kopmann, A.; Boltz, T.
2017. MT Advisory Board Meeting, KIT, Karlsruhe, June 2, 2017