IBPT visits AWAKE at CERN Matthias Fuchs and Erik Bründermann visited the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment, an accelerator R&D project based at CERN, with colleagues from the MPI for Physics and the AWAKE team. more |
Carl Zeiss Foundation funds promising project in physics at KIT New approaches in radiotherapy: project receives 900,000 euros from the CSZ Wildcard program. In the “UCART” project Professor Anke-Susanne Müller is working on a new method of radiotherapy in which tumors are irradiated directly in the body using an electron accelerator. more |
Every year again - doors open for "Die Maus" Once again this year, the dedicated IBPT and IPS colleagues succeeded in fully inspiring the curious kids. Under the motto “Particle accelerators - great research is only possible together!”, the kids were able to travel into the world of particle accelerators on 3 October 2024 and take part in many exciting and “tasty” experiments. more |
New IBPT Courses WS2024/25 Exciting courses for students in WS2024/25 to learn about advanced accelerators now are available. more |
Particle physics in focus - basic research and its social relevance To mark 70 years of CERN, a panel discussion with high-ranking guests Bernhard Eitel, Anke-Susanne Müller, Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Oliver Kraft (pictured left to right) on September 20, at KIT Informatikom, highlighted the role of basic research for our society and discussed the future role of CERN. more |
IBPT brought together scientists from German universities and accelerator labs The KfB Workshop on KfB collaborative research “Matter 2025-2028” was hosted by IBPT on September 05-06 in Karlsruhe. |
Research for More Sustainable Particle Accelerators |
ATP at IPAC24 The Accelerator Technology Platform (ATP) of the KIT is showcasing at the IPAC Confercence from May, 19 to 24 in Nashville. |
Battery Research with Synchrotron Radiation at KARA |
New video FLUTE Short-bunch linear accelerator and THz source FLUTE - EURO-LABS video. video |
New video KARA, KITTEN, EL2.0 Karlsruhe Research Accelerator, KITTEN, Energy Lab 2.0 - EURO-LABS video. video |
ERC Advanced Grant of 3.4 Mio. Euro for Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Grohmann The European Research Council (ERC) funds the development of a key technology for the Einstein Telescope (ET) – the proposed next-generation European gravitational-wave detector. The project GRAVITHELIUM aims to push the sensitivity of cryogenic laser interferometers to fundamental limits using superfluid helium to solve a central challenge in observing gravitational waves of the entire universe. At IBPT, Steffen Grohmann also leads the groups of Superconducting System Technology and Insertion Devices. more |
BMBF project funds REBCO-tape superconductor R&D for sustainable accelerators The ErUM-Pro Verbund project "High-temperature superconducting magnet technology – experiments & simulations" (HTS-ES) will be funded from July 2024 for 3 years in the framework of the Verbundforschung (collaborative research) at KIT and TU Darmstadt. KIT will coordinate the Verbund and concentrate on "HTS magnet technology for sustainable accelerators" (HTS-CRYO) and TU Darmstadt on "Calculating transient effects in HTS coils using a reduced-magnetic-vector-potential formulation" (HTS-RMVP) with PSI and CERN. more |
IBPT at DPG spring meeting in Berlin In numbers: 6 incl. 2 overview talks, 2 posters incl. 1 of project partner TU Darmstadt, in 5 days presenting accelerator test facilities, compact diagnostics, HTS magnets, particle and optical phase space, mathematics, and dosimetry for radiation therapy. more |
DPG 2024 - Lab visits at IBPT During the Spring Meeting of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. (DPG) on March 04-08, 2024 at KIT, numerous interested physicists came to visit our accelerator facilities KARA and FLUTE. more |
Best Talk Award for Matthias Nabinger Matthias Nabinger (IBPT) was awarded the participant-voted best talk award for his talk with the title "Characterization and Optimization of Laser-Generated THz Beam for THz Based Streaking" at the 14th Terahertz Young Scientists Meeting at the Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern on March 10-12, 2024. more |
IBPT welcomed I.FAST Injectors workshop participants The I.FAST on Injectors for Storage Ring Based Light Sources workshop followed on March 07-08, 2024 at IBPT. |
I.FAST workshop Bunch-by-Bunch hosted by IBPT The I.FAST Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems and Related Beam Dynamics workshop took place on March 04-06, 2024 at KIT Campus North. The workshop aimed to discuss a wide range of topics related to bunch-by-bunch feedback systems including new ideas and technologies, with the emphasis on exchanging information and sharing knowledge to engage in global networking in this scientific field. more |
In the Top-10 most-downloaded papers list Our paper Bayesian optimization of the beam injection process into a storage ring by C. Xu et al. and AI4Accelerators team leader A. Santamaria is in the Top-10 of the most-downloaded Physical Review Accelerators and Beams papers in 2023. more |
Collaboration with IBPT leads BNG to the world record Bilfinger Noell GmbH (BNG) achieved a world record in the magnetic field of a superconducting undulator for Free Electron Lasers. BNG designed and built a test sample of a superconducting undulator afterburner prototype (S-PRESSO). The sample was tested by a collaboration between the customer EuXFEL and IBPT.The measurements resulted in a magnetic field strength never achieved before in such devices. more |
Green Energy of 228 MWh produced in 2023 KIT IBPT's photovoltaics covers half of the Bldg. 348 roof at Campus North, the home of KARA, and produced 228,447 kWh. In 2024 the remaining roof half will be covered to further enhance green energy production for accelerator R&D operation. more |