Dr. Johannes Steinmann
- Scientist
- Room: 307
CN 345 - Phone: +49 721 608-26086
- johannes steinmann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- ibpt.kit.edu/jls
HIRST (Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics)
2025Journal ArticlesKALYPSO LGAD — a MHz repetition rate line camera based on trench isolated low gain avalanche detector
Patil, M. M.; Caselle, M.; Bründermann, E.; Chilingarayan, S.; Kopmann, A.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J. L.; Stankov, S.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Borghi, G.; Paternoster, G.; Centis Vignali, M.; Boscardin, M.
2025. Journal of Instrumentation, 20 (01), C01006. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/20/01/C01006 -
2024Journal ArticlesStatus and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
Patil, M. M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Goffing, C.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Centis Vignali, M.; Boscardin, M.; Paternoster, G.
2024. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2687 (7), Art.-Nr.: 072015. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2687/7/072015Conference PapersProbing FCC-ee energy calibration through resonant depolarization at KARA
Zimmermann, F.; Keintzel, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Haerer, B.; Blomley, E.; Steinmann, J. L.; Gethmann, J.; Ruprecht, R.; Huttel, E.; Pieloni, T.; Wu, Y.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2516–2519, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPR20Investigations in turn-by-turn optics measurements at KARA
Zimmermann, F.; Keintzel, J.; Tomas, R.; Müller, A. S.; Härer, B.; Blomley, E.; Steinmann, J.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 1294–1297, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-TUPG33Modernizing of magnet power supplies at KARA and a transition to EPICS-based control system
Hoteit, H.; Blomley, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Brosi, M.; Mochihashi, A.; Marsching, S.; Burini, F.; Farioli, M.; Pretelli, M.
2024. D. Molaro & M. Gustin (Eds.), 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 3739–3741, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-THPS08First year of data taking with the electricity meter network for sustainable operation of the KIT accelerator facilities for the KITTEN project
Gethmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.; Blomley, E.; Bruendermann, E.; De Carne, G.; Hoteit, H.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Mohammad Zadeh, M.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2883–2886, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPS78Implementing bunch-by-bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
Noll, M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Khechen, D. El; Blomley, E.; Bruendermann, E.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Caselle, M.; Huttel, E.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2361–2364, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG59Characterizing optical synchrotron radiation in the geometric optical phase space and optimizing the energy transport to a photo detector
Noll, M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Khechen, D. El; Bruendermann, E.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Huttel, E.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2358–2360, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG58Simulations of an electro-optical in-vacuum bunch profile monitor and measurements at KARA for use in the FCC-ee
Reißig, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Haerer, B.; Bründermann, E.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J. L.; Patil, M. M.; Ruprecht, R.; Funkner, S.; Mochihashi, A.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2354–2357, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG56Electro-optical spectral decoding of THz pulses at MHz repetition rates
Patil, M. M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Widmann, C.; Bründermann, E.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J. L.; Reissig, M.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.
2024. L. L. Grimm (Ed.), 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2347–2349, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG54Commissioning and experiments with a compact transverse deflecting system at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Malygin, A.; Bruendermann, E.; Schaefer, J.; Steinmann, J.; Mayer, K.; Noll, M.; Fuchs, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Laabs, M.; Moser, M.; Dehler, M.; Ischebeck, R.; Schlott, V.; Hayati, M.; Feurer, T.; Ollmann, Z.; Smale, N. J.; Boine-Frankenheim, O.; Glukhov, S.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2339–2342, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG52Resonant spin depolarization at the test facility KARA: overview of recent efforts
Blomley, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; Haerer, B.; Steinmann, J. L.; Gethmann, J.; Ruprecht, R.; Huttel, E.; Zimmermann, F.; Keintzel, J.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2335–2338, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG51Preliminary results on the reinforcement learning-based control of the microbunching instability
Scomparin, L.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Xu, C.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Steinmann, J. L.; Becker, J.; Schuh, M.; Schuh, M.; Caselle, M.; Dritschler, T.; Mochibashi, A.; Weber, M.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 1808–1811, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-TUPS61Reports/PreprintsMicrosecond-Latency Feedback at a Particle Accelerator by Online Reinforcement Learning on Hardware
Scomparin, L.; Caselle, M.; Garcia, A. S.; Xu, C.; Blomley, E.; Dritschler, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Kopmann, A.; Becker, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Weber, M.
2024. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.16177PresentationsInjection into the VLA-cSR
Steinmann, J. L.
2024, September 12. cStart Design Review Committee Meeting (DRC 2024), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, September 11–12, 2024Characterizing Optical Synchrotron Radiation in the Geometric Optical Phase Space and Optimizing the Energy Transport to a Photo Detector
Noll, M.-D.; Steinmann, J. L.; Khechen, D. El; Huttel, E.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2024, March 20. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024KIT accelerators and research highlights - an overview
Haerer, B.; Bründermann, E.; Fuchs, M.; Mochihashi, A.; Schwarz, M.; Gethmann, J.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.
2024, March 18. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024Energy calibration with resonant depolarisation & beam tests at KARA
Härer, B.; Blomley, E.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Keintzel, J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Zimmermann, F.
2024, February 14. 9. Low Emittance Rings Workshop (2024), CERN, Genf, February 13–16, 2024Breakthrough in real-time Control with reinforcement learning on hardware at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kopmann, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Xu, C.; Becker, J.; Müller, A. S.
2024, February 5. 2. Collaboration Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Accelerators (RL4AA 2024), Salzburg, Austria, February 5–7, 2024Polarization Studies at KARA
Keintzel, J.; Blomley, E.; Gethmann, J.; Härer, B.; Huttel, E.; Steinmann, J.; Zimmermann, F.
2024, January. 7th Future Circular Collider: FCC Physics Workshop (2024), Annecy, France, January 29–February 2, 2024Energy calibration with resonant depolarization & beam tests at KARA
Härer, B.; Blomley, E.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Keintzel, J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Zimmermann, F.
2024, February. 9th Low Emittance Rings Workshop (2024), CERN, Genf, February 13–16, 2024PostersInvestigations in turn-by-turn optics measurements at KARA
Zimmermann, F.; Keintzel, J.; Tomas, R.; Müller, A.-S.; Härer, B.; Blomley, E.; Steinmann, J. L.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024Probing FCC-ee energy calibration through resonant depolarization at KARA
Zimmermann, F.; Keintzel, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Härer, B.; Blomley, E.; Steinmann, J.; Gethmann, J.; Ruprecht, R.; Huttel, E.; Pieloni, T.; Wu, Y.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024Resonant Spin Depolarization at the Test Facility KARA: Overview of Recent Efforts
Blomley, E.; Härer, B.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Ruprecht, R.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024Electro-optical spectral decoding of THz pulses at MHz repetition rates
Patil, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Grimm, L. L.; Niehues, G.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A. S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024Simulations of an electro-optical in-vacuum bunch profile monitor and measurements at KARA for use in the FCC-ee
Reißig, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Ruprecht, R.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A. S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024Commissioning and Experiments with a Compact Transverse Deflecting System at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Bründermann, E.; Fuchs, M.; Malygin, A.; Mayer, K.; Ruprecht, R.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A. S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024First Year of Data Taking with the Electricity Meter Network for Sustainable Operation of the KIT Accelerator Facilities for the KITTEN Project
Gethmann, J.; Mohammad Zadeh, M.; Bründermann, E.; Blomley, E.; Hoteit, H.; Steinmann, J. L.; Schuh, M.; Carne, G. de; Müller, A.-S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024 -
2023Master's ThesesKontinuierliche zeitaufgelöste Messung der Elektronenenergieverteilung in KARA (Continuous time-resolved measurement of the electron energy distribution in KARA). master’s thesis
Goffing, C.
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000175276Journal ArticlesMillimeter‐Wave WISP Search with Coherent Light‐Shining‐Through‐a‐Wall Toward the STAX Project
Miyazaki, A.; Lofnes, T.; Caspers, F.; Spagnolo, P.; Jelonnek, J.; Ruess, T.; Steinmann, J. L.; Thumm, M.
2023. Annalen der Physik, 536 (1), Art.Nr.: 2200619. doi:10.1002/andp.202200619Revealing the dynamics of ultrarelativistic non-equilibrium many-electron systems with phase space tomography
Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Nasse, M. J.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steffen, B.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 4618. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31196-5Conference PapersTowards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
Noll, M.; Bründermann, E.; Goffing, C.; Khechem, D. El; Maier, S.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4768–4771, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL126Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
Patil, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Goffing, C.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Mueller, A.-S.; Centis Vignali, M.; Boscardin, M.; Paternoster, G.
2023. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4764–4767, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL123First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
Reissig, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Haerer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 07th-12th May 2023, 4756–4759, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL121Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Grimm, L. L.; Patil, M.; Reissig, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4753–4755, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL120Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M.; Schaefer, J.; Schmidt, A.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Bründermann, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; Ollmann, Z.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4149–4152, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPA079Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
Goffing, C.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Noll, M.; Patil, M.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.; Boscardin, M.; Centis Vignali, M.; Paternoster, G.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 2677–2680, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPA017A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Steinmann, J.; Weber, M.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vernedig, 7th-12th May 2023, 4479–4482, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL027Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Schreiber, P.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th - 12th May 2023, 2681–2684, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPA018Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Papash, A.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Hoteit, H.; Mochihashi, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 07th-12th May 2023, 984–987, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-MOPM007Advanced diagnostic detectors for rogue phenomena, single-shot applications
Caselle, M.; Bielawski, S.; Chilingaryan, S.; Czwalinna, M. K.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Kunakovskaya, E.; Manzhura, O.; Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Roussel, E.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Steffen, B.; Steinmann, J.; Szwaj, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Ulusoy, A. C.; Weber, M.; Simon, F.
2023. G. Herink, D. R. Solli & S. Bielawski (Eds.), Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications VIII, 17, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2657489PresentationsBreakthrough in real-time control with reinforcement learning on hardware at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kopmann, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Xu, C.; Becker, J.; Müller, A. S.
2023, October 11. 9th Annual MT Meeting "Matter and Technologies" (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 9–11, 2023Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Schmidt, A.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Ollmann, Z.; Müller, A. S.
2023, July 7. 11th MT-ARD Subtopic 3 Annual Meeting (MT-ARD-ST3 2023), Dresden, Germany, July 5–7, 2023Machine Learning activities at KIT
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kötter, S.-R.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J.; Xu, C.; Müller, A. S.
2023, July 3. ACCLAIM Meeting (2023), Jena, Germany, July 3–4, 2023Technologien für moderne Elektronenbeschleuniger
Härer, B.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J.
2023, June 17. Tag der offenen Tür, KIT Campus Nord (2023), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, June 17, 2023Design and set-up of a spectrometer for the electro-optical far-field setup to monitor the CSR at KARA
Grimm, L. L.; Niehues, G.; Widmann, C.; Steinmann, J. L.; Reißig, M.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A. S.
2023, March 22. 86th Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos - Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (SMuK 2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–24, 2023Towards Fiber-Optics-Guided Synchrotron Radiation-Based Longitudinal Beam Diagnostics at the KARA Booster Synchrotron
Noll, M.-D.; Steinmann, J.; Khechen, D. El; Goffing, C.; Widmann, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A. S.
2023, March 20. 86th Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos - Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (SMuK 2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–24, 2023Towards Fiber-Optics-Guided Synchrotron Radiation-Based Longitudinal Beam Diagnostics at the KARA Booster Synchrotron
Noll, M.-D.; Steinmann, J.; Khechen, D. El; Goffing, C.; Widmann, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, March 20. 86th Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos - Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (SMuK 2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–24, 2023Introduction to IBPT activities
Steinmann, J.
2023, February 20. 1st Collaboration Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Accelerators (RL4AA 2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, February 20–21, 2023PostersEnhancing the Sensitivity of the Electro-Optical Far-Field Experiment for Measuring CSR at KARA
Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Patil, M. M.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A. S.
2023, May. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Schreiber, P.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, September 26. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.; Xu, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, May. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
Widmann, C.; Goffing, C.; Steinmann, J.; Maier, S.; Mueller, A.-S.; Khechem, D. El; Noll, M.; Bründermann, E.
2023, September 26. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
Caselle, M.; Weber, M.; Kopmann, A.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Steinmann, J.; Scomparin, L.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.; Blomley, E.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
Schmidt, A.; Schaefer, J.; Widmann, C.; Ollmann, Z.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.; Nasse, M.; Nabinger, M.; Bründermann, E.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
Paternoster, G.; Caselle, M.; Centis Vignali, M.; Niehues, G.; Widmann, C.; Goffing, C.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.; Funkner, S.; Boscardin, M.; Bründermann, E.; Patil, M.
2023, September 26. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
Paternoster, G.; Schreiber, P.; Boscardin, M.; Caselle, M.; Centis Vignali, M.; Niehues, G.; Goffing, C.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.; Funkner, S.; Noll, M.; Bründermann, E.; Patil, M.
2023, September 26. (R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola, Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
Haerer, B.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Mochihashi, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Reissig, M.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Patil, M.
2023, September 26. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
Grimm, L. L.; Caselle, M.; Niehues, G.; Widmann, C.; Steinmann, J.; Mueller, A.-S.; Reissig, M.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Patil, M.
2023, September 26. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Schmidt, A.; Steinmann, J.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, July 7. 11th MT-ARD Subtopic 3 Annual Meeting (MT-ARD-ST3 2023), Dresden, Germany, July 5–7, 2023 -
2022Conference PapersKINGFISHER: A Framework for Fast Machine Learning Inference for Autonomous Accelerator Systems
Scomparin, L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Boltz, T.
2022. Data Acquisition and Processing Platforms - International Beam Instrumentation Conference (11th), Kraków, Poland, 11-15 September 2022, 151–155, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MOP42Terahertz heterodyne spectroscopy of radio-frequency-driven frequency combs without moving parts based on telecommunication technology
Bründermann, E.; Steinmann, J. L.; Morohashi, I.; Nakajima, S.; Saito, S.; Sekine, N.; Muller, A.-S.; Hosako, I.
2022. 2022 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2 S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9896105Towards Direct Detection of the Shape of CSR Pulses with Fast THz Detectors
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Schreiber, P.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 2190–2192, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-WEPOTK057Transverse and Longitudinal Profile Measurements at the KARA Booster Synchrotron
Khechen, D. E.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Huttel, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Noll, M.-D.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 304–306, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT027Beam Diagnostics for the Storage Ring of the cSTART Project at KIT
Khechen, D. E.; Bründermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Noll, M.-D.; Papash, A. I.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 300–303, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT026Measuring the Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Far Field with Electro-Optical Techniques
Widmann, C.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Noll, M.-D.; Patil, M. M.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 292–295, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT024Terahertz sampling rates with photonic time-stretch for electron beam diagnostics
Manzhura, O.; Caselle, M.; Bielawski, S.; Chilingaryan, S.; Funkner, S.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehus, G.; Patil, M. M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Roussel, E.; Szwaj, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 263–266, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT017PresentationsUltra-fast line camera based on TI-LGAD for beam diagnostics and photon science
Trifonova, E.; Caselle, M.; Patil, M.; Speck, R.; Kopmann, A.; Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A. S.; Borghi, G.; Vignali, M.; Paternoster, G.; Boscardin, M.; Weber, M.
2022, June. 23rd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWoRiD 2022), Riva del Garda, Italy, June 26–30, 2022Machine learning to control and predict beam properties
Santamaria Garcia, A.; Blomley, E.; Caselle, M.; Scomparin, L.; Steinmann, J. L.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Longitudinal Bunch Diagnostic at the KARA Booster Synchrotron
Noll, M.-D.; Khechen, D. El; Steinmann, J. L.; Huttel, E.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Towards direct detection of the shape of CSR pulses with fast THz detectors
Steinmann, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Electro-Optical Diagnostics at KARA
Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Patil, M. M.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Ultra-fast line-camera KALYPSO for electron beam diagnostics
Patil, M. M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, September 8. 10th MT-ARD-ST3 Meeting (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 7–9, 2022Longitudinal beam diagnostics 1
Steinmann, J.
2022, April 26. I.FAST Workshop "Beam diagnostics and dynamics in ultra-low emittance rings" (2022), Online, April 25–29, 2022PostersTowards Direct Detection of the Shape of CSR Pulses with Fast THz Detectors
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Schreiber, P.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022Transverse and Longitudinal Profile Measurements at the KARA Booster Synchrotron
Khechen, D. E.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Huttel, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Noll, M.-D.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Widmann, C.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022Beam Diagnostics for the Storage Ring of the cSTART Project at KIT
Khechen, D. E.; Bründermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Noll, M.-D.; Papash, A. I.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022Measuring the Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Far Field with Electro-Optical Techniques
Widmann, C.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Noll, M.-D.; Patil, M. M.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022Terahertz sampling rates with photonic time-stretch for electron beam diagnostics
Manzhura, O.; Caselle, M.; Bielawski, S.; Chilingaryan, S.; Funkner, S.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehus, G.; Patil, M. M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Roussel, E.; Szwaj, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2022, June. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022 -
2021Conference PapersTerahertz Diagnostic for the Advanced Photon Source Particle Accumulator Ring
Wootton, K. P.; Berg, W. J.; Lee, S.-H.; Sereno, N. S.; Steinmann, J. L.
2021. IBIC2021: Proceedings of the 10th International Beam Instrumentation Conference. Ed.: C. Kim, 361–365, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2021-WEPP03Ultra-Fast Line-Camera KALYPSO for fs-Laser-Based Electron Beam Diagnostics
Patil, M. M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Chilingaryan, S. A.; Dritschler, T.; Ebersoldt, A.; Funkner, S.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Reissig, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Widmann, C.
2021. Proc. IBIC’21. Ed.: C. Kim, 1–6, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2021-MOOB01Increasing the Single-Bunch Instability Threshold by Bunch Splitting Due to RF Phase Modulation
Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bruendermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Mueller, A.-S.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 3193–3196, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-WEPAB240PresentationsBeam diagnostics system for the Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring
Khechen, D. El; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hoteit, H.; Huttel, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, November 25. 29th European Synchrotron Light Source Workshop (ESLS 2021), Online, November 24–25, 2021Single-Shot analysis of short radiation pulses with fast detectors and an 80 GHz Oscilloscope
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, October 1. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021Ultra-fast line-camera KALYPSO for fs-laser based electron beam diagnostics
Patil, M. M.; Caselle, M.; Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Ebersoldt, A.; Funkner, S.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Dritschler, T.; Chilingaryan, S. A.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, September 30. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021Experimental tests in KARA booster in favor of cSTART. Skip to end of metadata
Khechen, D.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hoteit, H.; Mochihashi, A.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, October 1. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021Single-shot spectral fingerprints for continuous observation of the microbunching instability at KARA
Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Mai, C.; Martin, M.; Laabs, M.; Neumann, N.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2021, March 15. DPG-Frühjahrstagung / Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik - AKBP: Beam Dynamics - AKBP 1.7 (2021), Online, March 15–19, 2021Ultra-fast line-camera KALYPSO for fs-laser-based electron beam diagnostics
Patil, M. M.; Caselle, M.; Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Ebersoldt, A.; Funkner, S.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A. S.; Weber, M.
2021, September 13. 10th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2021), Online, September 13–17, 2021 -
2020Journal ArticlesGeneralized Kramers–Kronig receiver for coherent terahertz communications
Harter, T.; Füllner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Hesler, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
2020. Nature photonics, 14 (10), 601–606. doi:10.1038/s41566-020-0675-0Conference PapersDiagnostics of longitudinal bunch instabilities at KARA
Kehrer, B.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2020. Proceedings of the ICFA mini-Workshop on Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators, Zermatt, Switzerland, 23–27 September 2019. Ed.: E. Métral, 137–140, Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung (CERN). doi:10.23732/CYRCP-2020-009.137Systematic studies of the microbunching and weak instability at short bunch lengths
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2020. Proceedings of the ICFA mini-Workshop on Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators, Zermatt, Switzerland, 23–27 September 2019. Ed.: E. Métral, 335–339, Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung (CERN). doi:10.23732/CYRCP-2020-009.335PresentationsPhase space tomography at MHz-repetition rates at KARA
Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Nasse, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steffen, B.; Steinmann, J.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 24. 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2020), Online, September 23–24, 2020Diagnostics and control of short electron bunches in particle accelerators
Steinmann, J. L.
2020, June 18. 6th Matter and Technologies Meeting (MT 2020), Online, June 17–18, 2020Diagnostics of short electron bunches with THz detectors in particle accelerators
Steinmann, J.
2020, May 14. 11th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2020), Online, May 10–15, 2020 -
2019Journal ArticlesFrom self-organization in relativistic electron bunches to coherent synchrotron light: observation using a photonic time-stretch digitizer
Bielawski, S.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Burkard, E.; Evain, C.; Funkner, S.; Hiller, N.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Roussel, E.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Szwaj, C.; Walther, S.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. Scientific reports, 9 (1), 10391. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45024-2Impact of Antenna Design on the Electric-Field Direction Sensitivity of Zero-Biased Y–Ba–Cu–O Detectors to Ultra-Short THz Pulses
Schmid, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Raasch, J.; Wuensch, S.; Ilin, K.; Muller, A.-S.; Siegel, M.
2019. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 29 (5), 1–5. doi:10.1109/TASC.2019.2900576Systematic studies of the microbunching instability at very low bunch charges
Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Papash, A.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Caselle, M.; Rota, L.; Weber, M.; Kuske, P.
2019. Physical review accelerators and beams, 22 (2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.22.020701Conference PapersStudies of the longitudinal microbunching instability at KARA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brundermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Rota, L.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Muller, A.-S.
2019. Beam Tests and Commissioning of Low Emittance Rings - Proceedings ARIES-ICFA Workshop 2019, Karlsruhe, KIT Campus South, 18 - 20 February 2019, 57–58Low and negative alpha commissioning at KARA storage ring
Mochihashi, A.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Harer, B.; Kehrer, B.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Muller, A.-S.
2019. Beam Tests and Commissioning of Low Emittance Rings. Ed.: S. Casalbuoni, 96–98, Institute of Electronic SytemsGeneralized Kramers-Kronig receiver for 16QAM wireless THz transmission at 110 Gbit/s
Harter, T.; Füllner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Hesler, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
2019. 45th European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2019, Dublin, Ireland, 22 September - 26 September 2019, Code 161154Terahertz diagnostics at accelerators using radio frequency-driven frequency combs based on telecommunication technology
Brundermann, E.; Steinmann, J. L.; Morohashi, I.; Nakajima, S.; Saito, S.; Sekine, N.; Muller, A.-S.; Hosako, I.
2019. IRMMW-THz 2019: 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Paris, 1-6 September 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8874150Synchronous Measurements of Electron Bunches Under the Influence of the Microbunching Instability
Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 3119–3122, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPTS015Continuous Bunch-by-Bunch Reconstruction of Short Detector Pulses
Steinmann, J. L.; Martin, M.; Brosi, M.; Kehrer, B.; Patil, M. M.; Schreiber, P.; Caselle, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 2501–2503, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPGW017Turn-by-Turn Horizontal Bunch Size and Energy Spread Studies at KARA
Kehrer, B.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A. S.; Rota, L.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 2498–2500, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPGW016New Operation Regimes at the Storage Ring KARA at KIT
Papash, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 1422–1425, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPGW016Reports/PreprintsRevealing the dynamics of ultrarelativistic non-equilibrium many-electron systems with phase space tomography
Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Nasse, M. J.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steffen, B.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019From self-organization in relativistic electron bunches to coherent synchrotron light: observation using a photonic time-stretch digitizer
Bielawski, S.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Burkard, E.; Evain, C.; Funkner, S.; Hiller, N.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Roussel, E.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Szwaj, C.; Walther, S.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. doi:10.5445/IR/1000098898Generalized Kramers-Kronig Receiver for Coherent THz Communications
Harter, T.; Füllner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Hesler, J. L.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
2019PresentationsSystemativc studies of the microbunching and weak instability at short bunch lengths
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A. I.; Rota, L.; Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019, September. ICFA mini-Workshop on "Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in particle accelerators" (MCBI 2019), Zermatt, Switzerland, September 23–27, 2019Synchronous Studies of the Longitudinal Micro-Bunching Instability at KARA
Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Niehues, G.; Nasse, M. J.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019Status and recent highlights of KARA and FLUTE
Härer, B.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Chai, A.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Damminsek, K.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Kaiser, A.; Kehrer, B.; Malygin, A.; Martin, M.; Marsching, S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Schäfer, J.; Schmelzer, T.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Tong, Y.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019Continuous bunch-by-bunch reconstruction of short detector pulses
Martin, M.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019Influence of the longitudinal damping time on the micro-bunching instability
Brosi, M.; Gethmann, J.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Papash, A.; Bernhard, A.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019Turn-by-turn horizontal bunch size and energy spread studies at KARA
Kehrer, B.; Patil, M.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019PostersDiagnostics for the micro-bunching instability at KARA
Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Martin, M.; Patil, M. M.; Nasse, M.; Brosi, M.; Funkner, S.
2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019Synchronous Measurements of Electron Bunches Under the Influence of the Microbunching Instability
Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019Continuous Bunch-by-Bunch Reconstruction of Short Detector Pulses
Steinmann, J. L.; Martin, M.; Brosi, M.; Kehrer, B.; Patil, M. M.; Schreiber, P.; Caselle, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019Turn-by-Turn Horizontal Bunch Size and Energy Spread Studies at KARA
Kehrer, B.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M. M.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A. S.; Rota, L.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019New Operation Regimes at the Storage Ring KARA at KIT
Papash, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gethmann, J.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019 -
2018Journal ArticlesContinuous bunch-by-bunch spectroscopic investigation of the microbunching instability
Steinmann, J. L.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. Physical review accelerators and beams, 21 (11), 110705. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.110705Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in the Presence of a Damping Wiggler
Brosi, M.; Gethmann, J.; Bernhard, A.; Kehrer, B.; Papash, A.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. Journal of physics / Conference Series, 1067, Art. Nr.: 062017. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1067/6/062017Synchronous detection of longitudinal and transverse bunch signals at a storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Hiller, N.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Rota, L.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. Physical review accelerators and beams, 21 (10), Article no 102803. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.102803Conference PapersA Tunable Narrowband Source in the Sub-THz and THz Range at DELTA
Mai, C.; Büsing, B.; Khan, S.; Meyer auf der Heide, A.; Riemann, B.; Sawadski, B.; Ungelenk, P.; Gerth, C.; Lockmann, N.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Frei, F.; Laabs, M.; Neumann, N.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 4534–4537, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPMK098High repetition-rate electro-optic sampling: Recent studies using photonic time-stretch
Evain, C.; Szwaj, C.; Roussel, E.; Le Parquier, M.; Bielawski, S.; Roussel, E.; Brubach, J.-B.; Manceron, L.; Tordeux, M.-A.; Labat, M.; Roy, P.; Hiller, N.; Blomley, E.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Walter, S.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. IBIC 2017- International Beam Instrumentation Conference : 20-24 August 2017, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel / hosted by Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Ed.: E. Akers, 121–124, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2017-TU1AB2Single-shot longitudinal beam profile and terahertz diagnostics at MHz- Towards GHz-rates with high-throughput electronics
Caselle, M.; Rota, L.; Balzer, M.; Brosi, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Bründermann, E.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Borghi, G.; Boscardin, M.; Ronchin, S.
2018. IBIC 2017- International Beam Instrumentation Conference : 20-24 August 2017, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel / hosted by Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Ed.: E. Akers, 136–140, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2017-TU2AB3Turn-by-Turn Measurements for Systematic Investigations of the Micro-Bunching Instability
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Rota, L.; P. Schönfeldt; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. FLS2018 : the 60th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop : Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, March 5-9, 2018. Ed. board: Yong Ho Chin, Zhentang Zhao, Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, Volker Schaa, 46–51, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2018-TUP2WD03Implementation of Ultra-Low Frequency Non-Linear Raman Spectroscopy with the Gun Laser at FLUTE
Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Schmelzer, T.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Tani, M.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 4242–4244, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPMF072Non-Linear Optics and Low Alpha Operation at the Storage Ring KARA at KIT
Papash, A. I.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29 - May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 4235–4238, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPMF070Elaborated Modeling of Synchrotron Motion in Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Solvers
Schönfeldt, P.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 3283–3286, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAK032Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in the Presence of a Damping Wiggler
Brosi, M.; Gethmann, J.; Bernhard, A.; Kehrer, B.; Papash, A.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 3273–3276, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAK029Study of the Influence of the CSR Impedance on the Synchronous Phase Shift at KARA
Schönfeldt, P.; Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Gethmann, J.; Papash, A. I.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 2223–2226, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEPAL028Filling Pattern Measurements Using Dead-Time Corrected Single Photon Counting
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29 - May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 2219–2222, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEPAL027Towards Single-Pulse Spectral Analysis of MHz-Repetition Rate Sources
Niehues, G.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Patil, M.; Rota, L.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Nagoya; Japan; 9 - 14 September 2018, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2018.8510133PresentationsTurn-by-Turn Measurements for Systematic Investigations of the Micro-Bunching Instability
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; E. Bründermann; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Rota, L.; P. Schönfeldt; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018, March 6. 60th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop (FLS 2018), Shanghai, China, March 5–9, 2018Overview of KIT short bunch activities
Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schelzer, T.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018Challenges of high-repetition rate terahertz diagnostics and data-intensive experiments
FLUTE Collaboration; Bründermann, E.; Boltz, T.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018, April 11. HeKKSaGon Multidisciplinary Joint Workshop toward Fusions between Data and Mathematical Sciences (2018), Osaka, Japan, April 11, 2018Generation and detection of tunable, narrowband sub-THz and THz radiation at DELTA
Mai, C.; Büsing, B.; Khan, S.; Lockmann, N.; Meyer auf der Heide, A.; Riemann, B.; Sawadski, B.; Ungelenk, P.; Gerth, C.; Laabs, M.; Neumann, N.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J.; Frei, F.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018PostersA Tunable Narrowband Source in the Sub-THz and THz Range at DELTA
Mai, C.; Büsing, B.; Khan, S.; Meyer auf der Heide, A.; Riemann, B.; Sawadski, B.; Ungelenk, P.; Gerth, C.; Lockmann, N.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Frei, F.; Laabs, M.; Neumann, N.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Study of the Influence of the CSR Impedance on the Synchronous Phase Shift at KARA
Schönfeldt, P.; Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Gethmann, J.; Papash, A. I.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Elaborated Modeling of Synchrotron Motion in Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Solvers
Schönfeldt, P.; Boltz, T.; Mochihashi, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Non-Linear Optics and Low Alpha Operation at the Storage Ring KARA at KIT
Papash, A. I.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Filling Pattern Measurements Using Dead-Time Corrected Single Photon Counting
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Implementation of Ultra-Low Frequency Non-Linear Raman Spectroscopy with the Gun Laser at FLUTE
Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Schmelzer, T.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Tani, M.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in the Presence of a Damping Wiggler
Brosi, M.; Gethmann, J.; Bernhard, A.; Kehrer, B.; Papash, A.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018 -
2017Journal ArticlesParallelized Vlasov-Fokker-Planck solver for desktop personal computers
Schönfeldt, P.; Brosi, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. Physical review accelerators and beams, 20, Art. Nr. 030704. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.030704KAPTURE-2. A picosecond sampling system for individual THz pulses with high repetition rate
Caselle, M.; Ardila Perez, L. E.; Balzer, M.; Kopmann, A.; Rota, L.; Weber, M.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. Journal of Instrumentation, 12, Art. Nr.: C01040. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/01/C01040An Integrated Planar Array of Ultrafast THz Y-Ba-Cu-O Detectors for Spectroscopic Measurements
Schmid, A.; Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Steinmann, J. L.; Wuensch, S.; Arndt, M.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Cinque, G.; Frogley, M. D.
2017. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 27 (4), Art. Nr.: 7736999. doi:10.1109/TASC.2016.2625763Conference Papers4-Channel Single Shot and Turn-by-Turn Spectral Measurements of Bursting CSR
Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. Proceedings of the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’17), Copenhagen, DK, May 14-19, 2017, 231–234, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPAB056Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Hiller, H.; Schütze, P.
2017. 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2017), Copenhagen, DK, 14–19 May, 2017. Ed.: G. Arduini, 53–56, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOOCB1Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in Multi-Bunch Operation at the ANKA Storage Ring
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Rota, L.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2017. 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2017), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14–19 May, 2017. Ed.: G. Arduini, 3645–3648, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-THOBA1Unveiling relativistic electron bunch microstructures and their dynamical evolutions, using photonic time-stretch
Szwaj, C.; Evain, C.; Le Parquier, M.; Bielawski, S.; Roussel, E.; Manceron, L.; Brubach, J.-B.; Tordeux, M.-A.; Ricaud, J.-P.; Cassinari, L.; Labat, M.; Couprie, M.-E.; Roy, P.; Borysenko, A.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Steinmann, J. L.
2017. Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications II. Ed.: B. Jalali, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). doi:10.1117/12.2255723Reports/PreprintsSimultaneous Detection of Longitudinal and Transverse Bunch Signals at the KARA Storage Ring
Kehrer, B.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Funkner, S.; Hiller, N.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Rota, L.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017Continuous bunch-by-bunch spectroscopic investigation of the micro-bunching instability
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Rota, L.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017PresentationsUnveiling relativistic electron bunch microstructures and their dynamical evolutions, using photonic time-stretch
Szwaj, C.; Evain, C.; Le Parquier, M.; Bielawski, S.; Roussel, E.; Manceron, L.; Brubach, J.-B.; Tordeux, M.-A.; Ricaud, J.-P.; Cassinari, L.; Labat, M.; Couprie, M.-E.; Roy, P.; Borysenko, A.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Steinmann, J. L.
2017. Real-Time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications (2017), San Francisco, CA, USA, January 30–31, 2017Single-shot longitudinal beam profile and terahertz diagnostics at MHz- Towards GHz-rates with high-throughput electronics
Caselle, M.; Rota, L.; Balzer, M.; Brosi, M.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Bründermann, E.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Borghi, G.; Boscardin, M.; Ronchin, S.
2017. 6th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2017), Grand Rapids, MI, USA, August 20–24, 2017Studies of the micro-bunching instability in multi-bunch operation at the ANKA storage ring
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Kopmann, A.; Rämisch, F.; Rota, L.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in Multi-Bunch Operation at the ANKA Storage Ring
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Kehrer, B.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Rota, L.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2017. 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2017), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 14–19, 2017Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Hiller, H.; Schütze, P.
2017, May 15. 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2017), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 14–19, 2017KIT-IBPT accelerator test facilities status report
Schuh, M.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Rähmisch, F.; Ruprecht, R.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Schedler, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Stöhr, B.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017 -
2016Journal ArticlesFast mapping of terahertz bursting thresholds and characteristics at synchrotron light sources
Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Nasse, M. J.; Rota, L.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. Physical review accelerators and beams, 19 (11), 110701. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.110701Frequency-Comb Spectrum of Periodic-Patterned Signals
Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hesler, J. L.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Nasse, M. J.; Raasch, J.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. Physical review letters, 117 (17), 174802. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.174802Conference PapersKAPTURE-2 - A picosecond sampling system for individual THz pulses with high repetition rate
Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.; Steinmann, J.; Rota, L.; Perez, L. E. A.; Weber, M.; Balzer, M. N.; Vogelgesang, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.
2016. Book of Abstracts - TWEPP 2016 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, 26 - 30 September 2016, 13–14, CERNSimultaneous detection of longitudinal and transverse bunch signals at ANKA
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Smale, N.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IPAC2016 : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, PAL, May 8-13, 2016. Ed.: W. Namkung, CERN. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPMB014Influence of filling pattern structure on synchrotron radiation spectrum at ANKA
Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Siegel, M.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016. Ed.: W. Namkung, 2855–2857, CERN. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEPOW015Single-shot spectral analysis of synchrotron radiation in the THz regime at ANKA
Schmid, A. E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Ilin, K. S.; Kehrer, B.; Kuzmin, A. A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Wuensch, S.; Kuznetsov, S. A.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016. Ed.: W. Namkung, 115–117, CERN. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPMB016Systematic studies of short bunch-length bursting at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016. Ed.: W. Namkung, 1662–1665, CERNA parallelized Vlasov-Fokker-Planck-solver for desktop PCS
Schönfeldt, P.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016. Ed.: W. Namkung, 1658–1661, CERNUnveiling the complex shapes of relativistic electrons bunches, using photonic time-stretch electro-optic sampling
Szwaj, C.; Evain, C.; Le Parquier, M.; Bielawski, S.; Roussel, E.; Manceron, L.; Brubach, J.-B.; Tordeux, M.-A.; Ricaud, J.-P.; Cassinari, L.; Labat, M.; Couprie, M.-E.; Roy, P.; Borysenko, A.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), Newport Beach, CA, USA, 11-13 July 2016, 136–137, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/PHOSST.2016.7548779PresentationsUltra-fast YBCO detectors for single-shot THz spectroscopy of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Raasch, J.; Schmid, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Arndt, M.; Ilin, K.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Boris, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Haenisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.
2016, February. KSETA PhD Retreat (2016), Durbach, Germany, February 22–24, 2016Ultra-fast THz detectors for synchrotron radiation
Raasch, J.; Schmid, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Brosi, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2016, February. 607. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar - Semiconductor detectors in astronomy, medicine, particle physics and photon science (2016), Bad Honnef, Germany, February 15–17, 2016Real-time observation of ultra-short THz synchrotron radiation pulses
Raasch, J.; Schmid, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Boris, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Cinque, G.; Frogley, M.
2016, November. Workshop on Detector Technologies for High Energy Physics (2016), Erfurt, Germany, November 28–29, 2016Beam Dynamics, Filling Patterns, and Terahertz Radiation
Steinmann, J.; Blomley, E.
2016. 1st MT Advisory Board Meeting, KIT, Karlsruhe, 19.April 2016Systematic Studies of Short Bunch-length Bursting at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Steinmann, J.; Kuske, P.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Results of heterodyne mixing of the emitted electric field of synchrotron radiation in the THz-regime
Blomley, E.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Integrated YBCO detector arrays for single-shot THz spectroscopy
Schmid, A.; Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Arndt, M.; Bründermann, E.; Cinque, G.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Comparison of experimental and theoretical CSR-driven instability thresholds at ANKA
Kuske, P.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Simultaneous detection of longitudinal and transverse bunch signals at ANKA
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Schütze, P.; Steinmann, J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Smale, N.
2016. DPG16, Darmstadt, 14-18.März 2016Snapshot Measurements Used for Systematic Studies of the Bursting Threshold at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. DPG16, Darmstadt, 14-18.März 2016Influence of filling pattern structure on synchrotron radiation and beam spectrum at ANKA
Steinmann, J.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Blomley, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.
2016. DPG16, Darmstadt, 14-18.März 2016KAPTURE-2 - A picosecond sampling system for individual THz pulses with high repetition rate
Caselle, M.; Ardila Perez, L. E.; Balzer, M.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Kopmann, A.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Müller, A. S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2016. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP 2016), Karlsruhe, September 26-30, 2016Single-shot THz spectroscopy for the characterization of bursting CSR
Raasch, J.; Schmid, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A. S.; Cinque, G.; Haenisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.
2016. 5th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2016), Barcelona, Spain, September 11–15, 2016PostersOutbursts of THz Radiation at Synchrotron Light Sources
Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Raasch, J.; Steinmann, J.; Weber, M.
2016. 607. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar - Semiconductor detectors in astronomy, medicine, particle physics and photon science (2016), Bad Honnef, Germany, February 15–17, 2016Influence of filling pattern structure on synchrotron radiation spectrum at ANKA
Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Siegel, M.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016Systematic studies of short bunch-length bursting at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016A parallelized Vlasov-Fokker-Planck-solver for desktop PCS
Schönfeldt, P.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016Single-shot spectral analysis of synchrotron radiation in the THz regime at ANKA
Schmid, A. E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Ilin, K. S.; Kehrer, B.; Kuzmin, A. A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Wuensch, S.; Kuznetsov, S. A.
2016. IPAC : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016Simultaneous Detection of Longitudinal and Transverse Bunch Signals at ANKA
B. Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schütze, P.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IPAC : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016A Parallelized Vlasov-Fokker-Planck-Solver for Desktop PCs
Schönfeldt, P.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Systematic Studies of Short Bunch-length Bursting at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Steinmann, J.; Kuske, P.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Results of heterodyne mixing of the emitted electric field of synchrotron radiation in the THz-regime
Blomley, E.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Schedler, M.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016Comparison of experimental and theoretical CSR-driven instability thresholds at ANKA
Kuske, P.; Brosi, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.
2016. 4th ARD ST3 Workshop (2016), Berlin, Germany, July 13–15, 2016 -
2015Journal ArticlesInvestigation of the Electrical Field Sensitivity of Sub-μm Y–Ba–Cu–O Detectors
Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Thoma, P.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Muller, A.-S.; Roussel, E.; Evain, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.- ichi; Katoh, M.; Hosaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2015. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 25 (3), 2300106/1–6. doi:10.1109/TASC.2014.2365138Conference PapersSingle-Shot Electro-Optical Diagnostics at the ANKA Storage Ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2015. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA., September 14-18, 2014. Ed.: J. Sebek, 182–186, JACoW PublishingA picosecond sampling electronic ’kapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2015. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA., September 14-18, 2014. Ed.: J. Sebek, 24–28, JACoW PublishingElectro-Optical Measurements of the Longitudinal Bunch Profile in the Near-Field on a Turn-by-Turn Basis at the Anka Storage Ring
Roussel, E.; Evain, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Borysenko, A.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Steinmann, J. L.
2015. Proceedings of the 4th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC2015), 13-17 September 2015, Melbourne, Australia. Ed.: M. Boland, 33–37, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2015-MOPB006Online Studies of THz-Radiation in the Bursting Regime at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2015. Proceedings of the 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference : (IPAC 2015), Richmond, VA, USA, May 3-8 2015. Ed.: S. Henderson, 882–884, JACoW PublishingNon-interferometric spectral analysis of synchrotron radiation in the THz regime at ANKA
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Hesler, J.
2015. Proceedings of the 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference : (IPAC 2015) : May 3-8, 2015 Richmond, Virginia, USA, 1509–1511, JACoW PublishingFirst results of energy measurements with a compact Compton backscattering setup at ANKA
Chang, C.; Bründermann, E.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Hübers, H. W.; Richter, H.
2015. Proceedings of the 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference : (IPAC 2015) : May 3-8, 2015 Richmond, Virginia, USA, 876–878, JACoW PublishingAn ultra-fast digitizer with picosecond sampling time for coherent synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2015. Proceedings of the 19th Real-Time Conference (RT 2014), Nara, J, May 26-30, 2014, Article no 7097535, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/RTC.2014.7097535PresentationsUltra-fast high-T YBCO Detector for Real-time Observation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Schmid, A.; Il’in, K.; Arndt, M.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Smale, N.; Holzapfel, B.; Iida, K.
2015, January 27. ANKA Machine Advisory Committee Meeting (2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, January 27, 2015Direct Detection of Coherent Synchrotron THz Radiation on the Picosecond Timescale
Raasch, J.; Steinmann, J. L.
2015, February 24. HIRST Intermediate Evaluation (2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, February 24, 2015Picosecond YBCO detection system for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Raasch, J.; Schmid, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Arndt, M.; Ilin, K.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Haenisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.; Bielawski, S.; Evian, C.; Szwaj, C.; Roussel, E.; Katoh, M.; Kimura, S.; Konomi, T.; Osaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.
2015, July. 3rd ARD ST3 workshop on fs - ps electron and photon beams (2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 15–17, 2015Microwave radiation studies with a LNB detector system
Martin, M.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A. S.
2015. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Wuppertal, 9.-13. März 2015 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.50(2015), AKBP 12.6Non-interferometric spectral analysis of synchrotron radiation in the THz regime at ANKA
Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Hesler, J.
2015. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 15), Richmond, Va., May 3-8, 2015First results of energy measurements with a compact Compton backscattering setup at ANKA
Chang, C.; Bründermann, E.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Hübers, H. W.; Richter, H.
2015. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 15), Richmond, Va., May 3-8, 2015Online studies of THz-radiation in the bursting regime at ANKA
Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2015. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 15) (2015), Richmond, VA, USA, May 3–8, 2015An ultra-fast digitizer with picosecond sampling time for coherent synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2015. 19th Real-Time Conference (RT 2014), Nara, J, May 26-30, 2014 -
2014Book ChaptersFluctuation of Bunch Length Bursting CSR: Measurement and Simulation
Schönfeldt, P.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A.-S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2014. ANKA User Reports 2012/2013, 233–235, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)Investigating polarisation and shape of beam microwave signals at the ANKA Storage Ring
Schwarzkopf, J.; Brosi, M.; Chang, C.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Caspers, F.
2014. ANKA User Reports 2012/2013, 230–232, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)Conference PapersSpectral analysis of micro-bunching instabilities using fast THz detectors
Steinmann, J. L.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Bründermann, E.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014, 3530–3532, JACoW PublishingInvestigating polarisation and shape of beam microwave signals at the ANKA storage ring
Schwarzkopf, J.; Brosi, M.; Chang, C.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Caspers, F.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014, 4090–4092, JACoW PublishingFluctuation of bunch length in bursting CSR: Measurement and simulation
Schönfeldt, P.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014, 237–239, JACoW PublishingStatus of single-shot EOSD measurement at ANKA
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014, 1909–1911, JACoW PublishingDesign of a compact setup to measure beam energy by detection of Compton backscattered photons at ANKA
Chang, C.; Batchelor, D.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. -20. Juni 2014, 3494–3496, JACoW PublishingPicosecond sampling electronic for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Balzer, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 10th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC 2014), Karlsruhe, October 14-17, 2014, 164–166, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)A picosecond sampling electronic ’rapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA., September 14-18, 2014, 20 S., Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)Commissioning of an ultra-fast data acquisition system for coherent synchrotron radiation detection
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Schleicher, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014. Paper THPME113 JACoW, 2014, 3497–3499, JACoW PublishingStudies of bursting CSR in multi-bunch operation at the ANKA storage ring
Judin, V.; Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15.- 20. Juni.2014. Paper MOPRO063 JACoW, 2014, 225–227PresentationsVersatile detector technologies and fast readout electronics : Ultra-fast YBa Cu O detectors for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Roussel, E.; Evain, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katho, M.; Hosaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2014, December 11. 11. Detector Lab of the PRISMA Excellence Cluster (2014), Mainz, Germany, December 11, 2014Ultra-fast YBa Cu O detectors for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Kuttel, E.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Roussel, E.; Evian, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katoh, M.; Osaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2014, December 11. 11. Detector Lab of the PRISMA Excellence Cluster (2014), Mainz, Germany, December 11, 2014Single-Shot Electro-Optical Diagnostics at the ANKA Storage Ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2014. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA, USA, September 14–18, 2014A picosecond sampling electronic ’kapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA, USA, September 14–18, 2014Spectral analysis of micro-bunching instabilities using fast THz detectors
Steinmann, J. L.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Bründermann, E.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014Investigating polarisation and shape of beam microwave signals at the ANKA storage ring
Schwarzkopf, J.; Brosi, M.; Chang, C.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.; Caspers, F.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014Fluctuation of bunch length in bursting CSR: Measurement and simulation
Schönfeldt, P.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014Status of single-shot EOSD measurements at ANKA
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014Design of a compact setup to measure beam energy by detection of Compton backscattered photons at ANKA
Chang, C.; Batchelor, D.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J. L.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014Picosecond sampling electronic for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Balzer, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 10th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC 2014), Karlsruhe, October 14-17, 2014A picosecond sampling electronic ’kapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, Calif., September 14-18, 2014Commissioning of an ultra-fast data acquisition system for coherent synchrotron radiation detection
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Schleicher, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, Germany, June 15–20, 2014Studies of bursting CSR in multi-bunch operation at the ANKA storage ring
Judin, V.; Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15-20, 2014 -
2013Conference PapersStudies of Bunch-bunch Interactions in the ANKA Storage Ring with Coherent Synchrotron Radiation using an Ultra-fast Terahertz Detection System
Müller, A.-S.; Balzer, B. M.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Hofherr, M.; Ilin, K. S.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Raasch, J.; Scheuring, A.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Thoma, P.; Weber, M.; Wuensch, S.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), Shanghai, CHN, May 12-17, 2013. Ed.: Z. Dai, 109–111, JACoW PublishingThe ANKA-IR2 Nanoscope and Micro- and Nanospectroscopy Applications
Brundermann, E.; Schmidt, D. A.; Gasharova, B.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Moss, D.; Steinmann, J.; Edengeiser, E.; Mischo, M.; Havenith, M.
2013. IRMMW-THz 2013 : 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Mainz, Germany, 1st - 6th September 2013, 1–2, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665734Comparison of different approaches to determine the bursting threshold at ANKA
Schönfeldt, P.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013 Proceedings publ.online Paper MOPEA020 JACoW, 2013, 112–114PresentationsComparison of different approaches to determine the bursting threshold at ANKA
Schönfeldt, P.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Müller, A. S.; Schwarz, M.; Steinmann, J.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013Studies of bunch-bunch interactions in the ANKA storage ring with coherent synchrotron radiation using an ultra-fast terahertz detection system
Müller, A. S.; Judin, V.; Balzer, M.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Hofherr, M.; Ilin, K. S.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Raasch, J.; Scheuring, A.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Thoma, P.; Weber, M.; Wuensch, S.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12–17, 2013PostersDesign aspects of a large T solenoid to be used for testing superconductors
Gehring, M.; Amend, J.; Boffo, C.; Gehring, R.; Goldacker, W.; Revilak, P.; Scheller, H.; Steinmann, J.; Walter, W.; Wirth, I.; Zöller, H.
2013. International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT 2013), Boston, Mass., July 14- 19, 2013