Dr. Nigel John Smale

  • physicist
  • Room: CN
  • Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany


Commissioning and experiments with a compact transverse deflecting system at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Malygin, A.; Bruendermann, E.; Schaefer, J.; Steinmann, J.; Mayer, K.; Noll, M.; Fuchs, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Laabs, M.; Moser, M.; Dehler, M.; Ischebeck, R.; Schlott, V.; Hayati, M.; Feurer, T.; Ollmann, Z.; Smale, N. J.; Boine-Frankenheim, O.; Glukhov, S.
2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 2339–2342, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-WEPG52
Timing System
Smale, N. J.
2024, September 12. cStart Design Review Committee Meeting (DRC 2024), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, September 11–12, 2024
KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association www.kit.edu Status of the FLUTE RF system upgrade
Malygin, A.; Nabinger, M.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Müller, A.-S.
2024, July 5. 12th MT Accelerator Research and Development ST3 Meeting (MT ARD ST3 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, July 3–5, 2024
Commissioning and Experiments with a Compact Transverse Deflecting System at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M.; Schäfer, J.; Bründermann, E.; Malygin, A.; Mayer, K.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Dehler, M.; Ischebeck, R.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Feurer, T.; Hayati, M.; Ollmann, Z.; Glukhov, S.; Boine-Frankenheim, O.
2024, March 18. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024
Commissioning and Experiments with a Compact Transverse Deflecting System at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schäfer, J.; Bründermann, E.; Fuchs, M.; Malygin, A.; Mayer, K.; Ruprecht, R.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A. S.
2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024
Recent developments of the cSTART project
Schwarz, M.; Bründermann, E.; Ruprecht, R.; Bernhard, A.; Härer, B.; El Khechen, D.; Malygin, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Fuchs, M.
2024, March 21. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024
Recent developments of the cSTART project
Schwarz, M.; Bernhard, A.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; El Khechen, D.; Malygin, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2023. Future Light Sources 2023 : 67th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop FLS 2023, 155–158, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P34
Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
Schaefer, J.; Haerer, B.; Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Mueller, A.-S.
2023. R. Assmann, P. McIntosh, A. Fabris, G. Bisoffi, I. Andrian & G. Vinicola (Eds.), 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th MAy 2023, 4760–4763, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPL122
Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
Schäfer, J.; Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Härer, B.; Müller, A. S.
2023, March 22. 86th Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos - Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (SMuK 2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–24, 2023
Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
Schäfer, J.; Härer, B.; Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N. J.; Müller, A.-S.
2023, May. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, May 7–12, 2023
Status of the FLUTE RF System Upgrade
Malygin, A.; Manzhura, O.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 2452–2453, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-THPOST008
Slow-Control Loop to Stabilize the RF Power of the FLUTE Electron Gun
Noll, M.-D.; Böhm, A.; Jelonek, J.; Križnar, I.; Manzhura, O.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 2449–2451, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-THPOST007
Detailed Analysis of Transverse Emittance of the FLUTE Electron Bunch
Schmelzer, T.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : June 12-17, 2022, Impact Forum, Muangthong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand : conference proceedings. Ed.: T. Chanwattana, 2289–2291, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-WEPOMS022
Slow control loop to stabilize the RF power of the FLUTE electron gun
Noll, M.-D.; Smale, N. J.; Böhm, A.; Kriznar, I.; Schuh, M.; Ruprecht, R.; Jelonnek, J.; Müller, A. S.
2022, March. DPG-Frühjahrstagung : Physik der Hadronen und Kerne (HK), Plasmaphysik (P), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) (2022), Online, March 28–April 1, 2022
Latest developments and performance of the FLUTE laser system
Nabinger, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Nasse, M. J.; Smale, N. J.; Schäfer, J.; Sax, C.; Müller, A. S.
2022, March. DPG-Frühjahrstagung : Physik der Hadronen und Kerne (HK), Plasmaphysik (P), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) (2022), Online, March 28–April 1, 2022
Laser alignment of internal components of the linear accelerator FLUTE
Schäfer, J.; Härer, B.; Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Smale, N. J.; Müller, A. S.
2022, March. DPG-Frühjahrstagung : Physik der Hadronen und Kerne (HK), Plasmaphysik (P), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) (2022), Online, March 28–April 1, 2022
Detailed analysis of transverse emittance of the FLUTE electron bunch
Schmelzer, T.; Bründermann, E.; Kriznar, I.; Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Müller, A. S.
2022, March. DPG-Frühjahrstagung : Physik der Hadronen und Kerne (HK), Plasmaphysik (P), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) (2022), Online, March 28–April 1, 2022
Status of the FLUTE RF System Upgrade
Malygin, A.; Manzhura, O.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022
Slow-Control Loop to Stabilize the RF Power of the FLUTE Electron Gun
Noll, M.-D.; Böhm, A.; Jelonek, J.; Križnar, I.; Manzhura, O.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022
Detailed Analysis of Transverse Emittance of the FLUTE Electron Bunch
Schmelzer, T.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.
2022. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–17, 2022
Efficient Terahertz Generation by Tilted-Pulse-Front Pumping in Lithium Niobate for the Split-Ring Resonator Experiment at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Haerer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehus, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N. J.; Dehler, M. M.; Ischebeck, R.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Feurer, T.; Hayati, M.; Ollmann, Z.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 4299–4302, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-THPAB251
Systematic Beam Parameter Studies at the Injector Section of FLUTE
Schmelzer, T.; Bründermann, E.; Kriznar, I.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.; Windbichler, T.; Hoffmann, D.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 2837–2839, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-WEPAB103
On Possibility of Alpha-buckets Detecting at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 167–170, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-MOPAB037
Different Operation Regimes at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Brosi, M.; Huttel, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference : virtual edition, May 24th-28th, 2021, Brazil : proceedings volume / IPAC2021. Ed.: R. Picoreti, 163–166, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-MOPAB036
Latest developments in the split ring resonator experiment at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Schäfer, J.; Härer, B.; Niehues, G.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Ruprecht, R.; Müller, A.-S.; Ischebeck, R.; Dehler, M.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Ollmann, Z.; Hayati, M.; Feurer, T.
2021, October 1. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021
Efficient THz generation by tilted-pulse-front pumping in lithium niobate for the split-ring-resonator experiment at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M. J.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Schäfer, J.; Härer, B.; Niehues, G.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Ruprecht, R.; Müller, A.-S.; Ischebeck, R.; Dehler, M.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Ollmann, Z.; Hayati, M.; Feurer, T.
2021, March 18. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos - Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (SMuK 2021), Online, March 15–19, 2021
Efficient Terahertz Generation by Tilted-Pulse-Front Pumping in Lithium Niobate for the Split-Ring Resonator Experiment at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Haerer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehus, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N. J.; Dehler, M. M.; Ischebeck, R.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Feurer, T.; Hayati, M.; Ollmann, Z.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021
Systematic Beam Parameter Studies at the Injector Section of FLUTE
Schmelzer, T.; Bründermann, E.; Kriznar, I.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.; Windbichler, T.; Hoffmann, D.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021
On Possibility of Alpha-buckets Detecting at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021
Different Operation Regimes at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Brosi, M.; Huttel, E.; Mochihashi, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, May 24–28, 2021
Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments) Review
Papash, A.; Brosi, M.; Schreiber, P.; Boltz, T.; Smale, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.
2021, April 29. Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics, 4 (2), 148–178
On Possibility of Alpha-buckets Detecting at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)
Papash, A. I.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Mueller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2021. doi:10.5445/IR/1000137403
Efficient Terahertz Generation by Tilted-Pulse-Front Pumping in Lithium Niobate for the Split-Ring Resonator Experiment at FLUTE
Nabinger, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Haerer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehus, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N. J.; Dehler, M. M.; Ischebeck, R.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Feurer, T.; Hayati, M.; Ollmann, Z.
2021. doi:10.5445/IR/1000137372
Timing and Control Impacts on RF power at FLUTE
Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Schuh, M.; Ruprecht, R.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 24. 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2020), Online, September 23–24, 2020
The split ring resonator experiment at FLUTE
Nasse, M.; Nabinger, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Ruprecht, R.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Ischebeck, R.; Dehler, M.; Schlott, V.; Ollmann, Z.; Hayati, M.; Feurer, T.
2020, September 24. 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2020), Online, September 23–24, 2020
Discussion of suitable diagnostic components for the cSTARTproject
Khechen, D. El; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Härer, B.; Malygin, A.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, September 24. 8th MT ARD ST3 Meeting 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2020), Online, September 23–24, 2020
Challenges of the beam diagnostic system at cSTART
Khechen, D. El; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Malygin, A.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schäfer, J.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.; Müller, A.-S.
2020, June 16. Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources (DEELS 2020), Online, June 16, 2020
Radiation Safety at FLUTE with Special Emphasis on Activation Issues
Wesolowski, P.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Hagelstein, M.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Smale, N.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Zwernemann, O.
2019. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation Sources, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden, 22-24 May 2019 (Draft Proceedings v1.0.3), 106–110
Diagnostics and First Beam Measurements at FLUTE
Schmelzer, T.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Haerer, B.; Kriznar, I.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 2484–2486, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPGW010
First Electron Beam at the Linear Accelerator FLUTE at KIT
Nasse, M. J.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Härer, B.; Kriznar, I.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A. S.
2019. Proceedings of the10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, AUS, May 10-24, 2019. Ed.: M. Boland, 882–884, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPTS018
Status and recent highlights of KARA and FLUTE
Härer, B.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Chai, A.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Damminsek, K.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Kaiser, A.; Kehrer, B.; Malygin, A.; Martin, M.; Marsching, S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Patil, M.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Schäfer, J.; Schmelzer, T.; Schreiber, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Tong, Y.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019
FLUTE profile monitors - from image to information
Schmelzer, T.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2019), Munich, Germany, March 17–22, 2019
Diagnostics and First Beam Measurements at FLUTE
Schmelzer, T.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Haerer, B.; Kriznar, I.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019
First Electron Beam at the Linear Accelerator FLUTE at KIT
Nasse, M. J.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Härer, B.; Kriznar, I.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A. S.
2019. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019
Update on the status of the FLUTE control system
Mexner, W.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Fehlinger, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.-J.; Marsching, S.; Kriznar, I.
2018. Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Scientific Facilities Controls (PCaPAC2018), 54–56, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-PCaPAC2018-WEP10
Commissioning Status of FLUTE
Malygin, A.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kriznar, I.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29 - May 4, 2018, Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 4229–4231, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPMF068
FLUTE Diagnostics Integration
Yan, M.; Bernhard, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kriznar, I.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wüstling, S.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018. Ed.: S. Koscielniak, 2227–2229, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEPAL029
Overview of KIT short bunch activities
Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Ruprecht, R.; Schelzer, T.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018
Current commissioning status of FLUTE phase I
Schmelzer, T.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Rubrecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A. S.
2018. DPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (2018), Würzburg, Germany, March 19–23, 2018
FLUTE Diagnostics Integration
Yan, M.; Bernhard, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kriznar, I.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wüstling, S.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018
Commissioning Status of FLUTE
Malygin, A.; Bernhard, A.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kriznar, I.; Marsching, S.; Mexner, W.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2018. 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018
Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Hiller, H.; Schütze, P.
2017. 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2017), Copenhagen, DK, 14–19 May, 2017. Ed.: G. Arduini, 53–56, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOOCB1
Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017
Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Hiller, H.; Schütze, P.
2017, May 15. 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2017), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 14–19, 2017
KIT-IBPT accelerator test facilities status report
Schuh, M.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Funkner, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Mexner, W.; Nasse, M. J.; Niehues, G.; Papash, A.; Rähmisch, F.; Ruprecht, R.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Schedler, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Stöhr, B.; Wesolowski, P.; Yan, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2017. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Dresden, 19.-24.März 2017
Frequency-Comb Spectrum of Periodic-Patterned Signals
Steinmann, J. L.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Hesler, J. L.; Hiller, N.; Kehrer, B.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Nasse, M. J.; Raasch, J.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2016. Physical review letters, 117 (17), 174802. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.174802
Simultaneous detection of longitudinal and transverse bunch signals at ANKA
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Schütze, P.; Smale, N.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IPAC2016 : proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, PAL, May 8-13, 2016. Ed.: W. Namkung, CERN. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPMB014
A CLIC damping wiggler prototype at anka: Commissioning and preparations for a beam dynamics experimental program
Bernhard, A.; Gethmann, J.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gerstl, S.; Grau, A. W.; Huttel, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; De Jauregui, D. S.; Smale, N. J.; Bragin, A. V.; Khrushchev, S. V.; Mezentsev, N. A.; Shkaruba, V. A.; Tsukanov, V. M.; Zolotarev, K. V.; Ferracin, P.; Fajardo, L. G.; Papaphilippou, Y.; Schmickler, H.; Schoerling, D.; Zisopoulos, P.
2016. IPAC 2016 : Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016. Paper WEPMB002, 2412–2415, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEPMW002
Simulations of the effects of a superconducting damping wiggler on a short bunched electron beam at ANKA
Gethmann, J.; Bernhard, A.; Blomley, E.; Hillenbrand, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Zolotarev, K.; Smale, N.
2016. DPG16, Darmstadt, 14-18.März 2016
Simultaneous detection of longitudinal and transverse bunch signals at ANKA
Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Schütze, P.; Steinmann, J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Smale, N.
2016. DPG16, Darmstadt, 14-18.März 2016
Overview of the Laser Syncronisation and Fibre Laser Systems within the Community
Smale, N. J.
2016. 6th Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for Free Electron Lasers, Daresbury, UK, 20 - 21 October 2016
A CLIC damping wiggler prototype at anka: Commissioning and preparations for a beam dynamics experimental program
Bernhard, A.; Gethmann, J.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gerstl, S.; Grau, A. W.; Huttel, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; De Jauregui, D. S.; Smale, N. J.; Bragin, A. V.; Khrushchev, S. V.; Mezentsev, N. A.; Shkaruba, V. A.; Tsukanov, V. M.; Zolotarev, K. V.; Ferracin, P.; Fajardo, L. G.; Papaphilippou, Y.; Schmickler, H.; Schoerling, D.; Zisopoulos, P.
2016. IPAC 2016 : Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016
Simultaneous Detection of Longitudinal and Transverse Bunch Signals at ANKA
B. Kehrer, B.; Blomley, E.; Brosi, M.; Bründermann, E.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schedler, M.; Schuh, M.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schütze, P.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.
2016. IPAC : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016
Single-Shot Electro-Optical Diagnostics at the ANKA Storage Ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2015. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA., September 14-18, 2014. Ed.: J. Sebek, 182–186, JACoW Publishing
A picosecond sampling electronic ’kapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2015. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA., September 14-18, 2014. Ed.: J. Sebek, 24–28, JACoW Publishing
An ultra-fast digitizer with picosecond sampling time for coherent synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2015. Proceedings of the 19th Real-Time Conference (RT 2014), Nara, J, May 26-30, 2014, Article no 7097535, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/RTC.2014.7097535
Single-shot THz Spectroscopy with Picosecond Time Resolution
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Roussel, E.; Evian, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katoh, M.; Osaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2015, October. 8th International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy using Accelerator Based Sources (2015), Long Island, NC, USA, October 11–15, 2015
An ultra-fast digitizer with picosecond sampling time for coherent synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Mueller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2015. 19th Real-Time Conference (RT 2014), Nara, J, May 26-30, 2014
An ultra-fast data acquisition system for coherent synchrotron radiation with terahertz detectors
Caselle, M.; Balzer, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Hofherr, M.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Smale, N. J.; Thoma, P.; Wuensch, S.; Müller, A. S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (1), C01024. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/01/C01024
A fast embedded readout system for large-area Medipix and Timepix systems
Brogna, A. S.; Balzer, M.; Smale, S.; Hartmann, J.; Bormann, D.; Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Zuber, M.; Koenig, T.; Zwerger, A.; Weber, M.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
2014. Journal of Instrumentation, 9, C05047/1–9. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05047
Status of single-shot EOSD measurement at ANKA
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014, 1909–1911, JACoW Publishing
First results of the new bunch-by-bunch feedback system at ANKA
Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Höner, M.; Teytelman, D.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014, 1739–1741, JACoW Publishing
Electrical field sensitive high-T YBCO detector for real-time Observation of CSR
Raasch, J.; Il’in, K. S.; Scheuring, A.; Siegel, M.; Thoma, P.; Müller, A. S.; Mathis, Y. L.; Smale, N. J.; Holzapfel, B.; Iida, K.; Bielawski, S.; Evain, C.; Roussel, E.; Szwaj, C.; Katoh, M.; Kimura, S.; Konomi, T.; Hosaka, M.; Yamomoto, N.; Zen, H.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15. - 20. Juni 2014. Hrsg.: C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, 3533–3536, JACoW Publishing
Studies of bursting CSR in multi-bunch operation at the ANKA storage ring
Judin, V.; Brosi, M.; Caselle, M.; Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Weber, M.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, 15.- 20. Juni.2014. Paper MOPRO063 JACoW, 2014, 225–227
Ultra-fast YBCO detector for the real-time shot-by-shot observation of the electrical field of CSR
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Roussel, E.; Evain, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katoh, M.; Hosaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Hänisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.
2014, February. 2nd ARD ST3 Workshop (2014), Dresden, Germany, February 26–27, 2014
Excitation of sub-µm YBCO detectors with pulsed THz radiation
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Roussel, E.; Evain, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Ungelenk, P.; Mai, C.; Khan, S.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2014, June. 7th Dresden-Karlsruhe Seminar on Materials and Applications in Superconductivity (2014), Bad Liebenzell, Germany, June 25–27, 2014
Fast YBCO detector for real-time resolution of picosecond THz pulses
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Smale, N.; Holzapfel, B.; Iida, K.; Bielawski, S.; Evian, C.; Roussel, E.; Szwaj, C.; Katoh, M.; Kimura, S.; Konomi, T.; Hosaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.
2014, July. 3rd Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs (2014), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 3–4, 2014
Detection of the electrical field of pulsed THz radiation by thin-film YBaCuO microbridges
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Roussel, E.; Evian, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katoh, M.; Osaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2014, September. Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2014), Charlotte, NC, USA, August 10–15, 2014
Ultra-fast YBaCuO detectors for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Raasch, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Ilin, K.; Arndt, M.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Steinmann, J.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Kuttel, E.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Roussel, E.; Evian, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katoh, M.; Osaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2014, December 11. 11. Detector Lab of the PRISMA Excellence Cluster (2014), Mainz, Germany, December 11, 2014
Single-Shot Electro-Optical Diagnostics at the ANKA Storage Ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2014. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA, USA, September 14–18, 2014
A picosecond sampling electronic ’kapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 3rd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, CA, USA, September 14–18, 2014
Status of single-shot EOSD measurements at ANKA
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schönfeldt, P.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014
First results of the new bunch-by-bunch feedback system at ANKA
Hertle, E.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Höner, M.; Teytelman, D.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, June 15- 20, 2014
Electrical field sensitive high-T YBCO detector for real-time Observation of CSR
Raasch, J.; Il’in, K. S.; Scheuring, A.; Siegel, M.; Thoma, P.; Müller, A. S.; Mathis, Y. L.; Smale, N. J.; Holzapfel, B.; Iida, K.; Bielawski, S.; Evain, C.; Roussel, E.; Szwaj, C.; Katoh, M.; Kimura, S.; Konomi, T.; Hosaka, M.; Yamomoto, N.; Zen, H.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, Germany, June 15–20, 2014
A picosecond sampling electronic ’kapture’ for terahertz synchrotron radiation
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Rota, L.; Petzold, L.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2014), Monterey, Calif., September 14-18, 2014
Commissioning of an ultra-fast data acquisition system for coherent synchrotron radiation detection
Caselle, M.; Brosi, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Dritschler, T.; Hertle, E.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Müller, A. S.; Raasch, J.; Schleicher, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Vogelgesang, M.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2014. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014), Dresden, Germany, June 15–20, 2014
High-Speed Y-Ba-Cu-O Direct Detection System for Monitoring Picosecond THz Pulses
Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Wünsch, S.; Il’In, K.; Semenov, A.; Hübers, H.-W.; Judin, V.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Adachi, M.; Tanaka, S.; Kimura, S.- ichi; Katoh, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Hosaka, M.; Roussel, E.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Siegel, M.
2013. IEEE transactions on terahertz science and technology, 3 (1), 81–86. doi:10.1109/TTHZ.2012.2234209
Highly responsive Y-Ba-Cu-O thin film THz detectors with picosecond time resolution
Thoma, P.; Raasch, J.; Scheuring, A.; Hofherr, M.; Il’in, K.; Wünsch, S.; Semenov, A.; Hübers, H.-W.; Judin, V.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Hänisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.; Siegel, M.
2013. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 23 (3), 2400206. doi:10.1109/TASC.2012.2233851
Studies of Bunch-bunch Interactions in the ANKA Storage Ring with Coherent Synchrotron Radiation using an Ultra-fast Terahertz Detection System
Müller, A.-S.; Balzer, B. M.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Hofherr, M.; Ilin, K. S.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Raasch, J.; Scheuring, A.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J. L.; Thoma, P.; Weber, M.; Wuensch, S.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), Shanghai, CHN, May 12-17, 2013. Ed.: Z. Dai, 109–111, JACoW Publishing
Ultra-fast data acquisition system for coherent synchrotron radiation based on superconducting terahertz detectors
Caselle, M.; Balzer, M.; Cilingaryan, S.; Hofherr, M.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Ll’in, K.; Menshikov, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N. J.; Thoma, P.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2013. IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 2094–2096, Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA)
Electro-optical bunch length measurements at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Plech, A.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2013. Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Paper MOPME014 JACoW, 2013, 500–502
The ANKA control system: On a path to the future
Smale, N. J.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Mexner, W.; Müller, A. S.; Marsching, S.; Kriznar, I.
2013. 14th International Conference on Accelerator & Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS2013), San Francisco, Calif., October 6-11, 2013 Proceedings publ.online Paper MOPPC099 JACoW, 2013, 336–339
Sensitive high-T YBaCuO detectors for the observation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation at ANKA
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Hänisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.
2013, September. ANKA User Meeting (2013), Bruchsal, Germany, September 26–27, 2013
High-T YBCO detectors with high sensitivity and broad dynamic range for pulsed THz radiation
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Haenisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.
2013, September. European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2013), Genova, Italy, September 15–19, 2013
15 ps temporal resolution of the electric field of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation using a high-T YBaCuO real-time detection system
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Roussel, E.; Evian, C.; Szwaj, C.; Bielawski, S.; Konomi, T.; Kimura, S.; Katoh, M.; Hosaka, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Zen, H.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2013, November. 7th International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy using Accelerator Based Sources (2013), Lorne, Australia, November 10–14, 2013
Ultra-fast and sensitive detection of pulsed and continuous THz waves
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Ilin, K.; Wünsch, S.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N.; Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Semenov, A.; Hübers, H.-W.; Caselle, M.; Weber, M.; Hänisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.
2013, February 1. KSETA Inauguration Symposium (2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, February 1, 2013
Real-time detection system for ultra-short THz pulses using a high-T thin YBaCuO-film detector
Raasch, J.; Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Il’in, K.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Iida, K.; Holzapfel, B.
2013, October 8. Workshop "Kryoelektronische Bauelemente" (KRYO 2013), Bad Herrenalb, Germany, October 6–8, 2013
Studies of bunch-bunch interactions in the ANKA storage ring with coherent synchrotron radiation using an ultra-fast terahertz detection system
Müller, A. S.; Judin, V.; Balzer, M.; Caselle, M.; Hiller, N.; Hofherr, M.; Ilin, K. S.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Raasch, J.; Scheuring, A.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steinmann, J.; Thoma, P.; Weber, M.; Wuensch, S.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12–17, 2013
Electro-optical bunch length measurements at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Plech, A.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013
The ANKA control system: On a path to the future
Smale, N. J.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Mexner, W.; Müller, A. S.; Marsching, S.; Kriznar, I.
2013. 14th International Conference on Accelerator & Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS2013), San Francisco, Calif., October 6-11, 2013
Ultra-fast data acquisition system for coherent synchrotron radiation based on superconducting terahertz detectors
Caselle, M.; Balzer, M.; Cilingaryan, S.; Hofherr, M.; Judin, V.; Kopmann, A.; Il’in, K.; Menshikov, A.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Thoma, P.; Wuensch, S.; Siegel, M.; Weber, M.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013
Non-thermal response of YBa₂Cu₃O thin films to picosecond THz pulses
Probst, P.; Semenov, A.; Ries, M.; Hoehl, A.; Rieger, P.; Scheuring, A.; Judin, V.; Wünsch, S.; Il’in, K.; Smale, N.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Müller, R.; Ulm, G.; Wüstefeld, G.; Hübers, H.-W.; Hänisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.; Siegel, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2012. Physical review / B, 85 (17), Art.Nr. 174511. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.174511
Experimental Aspects of CSR in the ANKA Storage Ring
Müller, A. S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Il’in, K.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Naknaimueang, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Plech, A.; Probst, P.; Scheuring, A.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Siegel, M.; Smale, N.; Streichert, M.; Caspers, F.; Semenov, A.; Hubers, H. W.; Brundermann, E.
2012. ICFA beam dynamics newsletters, 57 (57), 154–164
Real-time measurement of picosecond THz pulses by an ultra-fast YBa₂Cu₃O detection system
Thoma, P.; Scheuring, A.; Hofherr, M.; Wünsch, S.; Il’in, K.; Smale, N.; Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Semenov, A.; Hübers, H.-W.; Siegel, M.
2012. Applied physics letters, 101 (14), Art.Nr. 142601. doi:10.1063/1.4756905
Simulations of fringe fields and multipoles for the ANKA storage ring bending magnets
Streichert, M.; Rodriguez, V. A.; Bernhard, A.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Müller, A.-S.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.
2012. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, IPAC 2012; New Orleans, LA; United States; 20 May 2012 - 25 May 2012, 1626–1628, Louisiana State University
Commissioning of a new beam-position monitoring system at anka
Marsching, S.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Meuter, C.; M̈ uller A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Streichert, M.; Rehm, G.
2012. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, IPAC 2012; New Orleans, LA; United States; 20 May 2012 - 25 May 2012, 825–827, Louisiana State University
Spectral and temporal observations of CSR at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, M. S. N.; Streichert, M. I.; Schwarz, M.
2012. IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, New Orleans, LA; United States; 20 May 2012 - 25 May 2012, TUPPP010/1623–1625, Louisiana State University
Characterization and stabilization of multi-bunch instabilities at the ANKA storagering
Huttel, E.; Hiller, N.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N. J.
2012. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, IPAC 2012; New Orleans, LA; United States; 20 May 2012 - 25 May 2012, 2849–2851, Louisiana State University
Spectral and temporal observations of CSR at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.; Streichert, M. I.
2012. Internat. Particle Accelerator Conf.2012 (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, La., May 20- 25, 2012, TUPPP010
Global scan of all stable settings (GLASS) for the ANKA storage ring
Streichert, M.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2012. 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conf. (ICAP 2012), Warnemünde, August 19-24, 2012. Ed.: D. Hecht, THP09/239–241
Global optimization of the ANKA lattice using multiobjective genetic algorithms (MOGA)
Streichert, M.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2012. 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conf.(ICAP 2012), Warnemünde, August 19-24, 2012. Ed.: D. Hecht, TUABC2/72–74, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Thin YBCO film THz detector with picosecond time resolution and large dynamic range
Probst, P.; Raasch, J.; Scheuring, A.; Hofherr, M.; Wünsch, S.; Ilin, K.; Semenov, A.; Hübers, H.-W.; Hanisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.; Smale, N.; Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A.-S.; Müller, R.; Hoehl, A.; Ulm, G.; Adachi, M.; Kimura, S.; Siegel, M.
2012, October. Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2012), Portland, OR, USA, October 7–12, 2012
Status and operation of the ANKA RF system
Smale, N.
2012. 16th ESLS RF Meeting, Barcelona, E, October 9-10, 2012, 16th ESLS RF Meeting (2012), Barcelona, Spain, October 9–10, 2012
Commissioning of a new beam-position monitoring system at ANKA
Marsching, S.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Streichert, M.; Rehm, G.
2012. Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.2012 (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, La., May 20- 25, 2012
Remote controlling of power supplies in the ANKA storage ring
Hertle, E.; Smale, S.; Marsching, A.; Müller, A. S.; Huttel, E.
2012. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Göttingen, 27. Februar-02. März 2012 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 84.9, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.1 (2012), Göttingen, Germany, February 27–March 2, 2012
Global scan of all stable settings (GLASS) for the ANKA storage ring
Streichert, M.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2012. 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conf.(ICAP 2012), Warnemünde, August 19-24, 2012, 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP 2012), Rostock / Warnemünde, August 19–24, 2012
Global optimization of the ANKA lattice using multiobjective genetic algorithms (MOGA)
Streichert, M.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Müller, A. S.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.
2012. 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conf.(ICAP 2012), Warnemünde, August 19-24, 2012, 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP 2012), Rostock / Warnemünde, August 19–24, 2012
Status of the BPM upgrade at ANKA
Marsching, N.; Hiller, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Streichert, M.
2012. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Göttingen, 27. Februar-02. März 2012 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.4, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.1 (2012), Göttingen, Germany, February 27–March 2, 2012
Spectral and temporal observations of CSR at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.; Streichert, M. I.
2012. Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.2012 (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, La., May 20- 25, 2012, International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 20–25, 2012
Current status of the electro-optical bunch length monitor at ANKA
Kehrer, B.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.
2012. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Göttingen, 27. Februar-02. März 2012 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.1, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.1 (2012), Göttingen, Germany, February 27–March 2, 2012
Coherent synchrotron radiation at the ANKA storage ring. (eingeladen
Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Juding, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Naknaimueang, S.; Nass, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N. J.; Streichert, M.
2012. ICFA Workshop on Future Light Sources, Newport News, Va., March 5-9, 2012, ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources (FLS 2012), Newport News, VA, USA, March 5–9, 2012
Status of longitudinal bunch diagnostics at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nakneimueang, S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Schwarz, M.; Smale, N.
2012. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Göttingen, 27. Februar-02. März 2012 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.3, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.47(2012) T 83.1 (2012), Göttingen, Germany, February 27–March 2, 2012
Development of X-KIT: A versatile readout system for Medipix 2 and Timepix detectors
Brogna, A. S.; Balzer, P. M.; Postermann, J. M.; Smale, S.; Zwerger, A.; Fauler, A.; Postermann, E.; Baumbach, T.; Göttlicher, J.; Weber, M.; Fiederle, M.
2012. 14th Internat.Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (IWORID 2012), Figueira da Foz, P, July 1-5, 2012
Spectral and temporal observations of CSR at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, A.; Marsching, S.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.; Streichert, M.
2012. Poster: International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012 (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, La., May 20-25, 2012, International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 20–25, 2012
Commissioning of a new beam-position monitoring system at ANKA
Marsching, S.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Meuter, C.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N.
2012. Poster: International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012 (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, La., May 20-25, 2012, International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 20–25, 2012
Filling pattern measurements at the anka storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.
2011. IPAC 2011 - 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, 1209–1211, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion - Gobierno de Espana
Observation of synchrotron radiation using low noise block (LNB) at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Smale, N.; Caspers, F.
2011. 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, DIPAC 2011; Hamburg; Germany; 16 May 2011 - 18 May 2011, 389–391
Observation of microwave radiation using low-cost detectors at the anka storage ring
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M.; Smale, N.; Caspers, F.; Peier, P.
2011. 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2011, Kursaal, San Sebastian, Spain, 4 - 9 September 2011, 1203–1205, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion - Gobierno de Espana
Evaluation of a bunch-by-bunch fast feedback system at ANKA
Marsching, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.
2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe, 28.März - 1.April 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) T 83.7
Strahlstudien mit einzelnen Bunchen im ANKA Speicherring
Hofmann, A.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.
2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe, 28.März - 1.April 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) T 83.6
Monitoring the filling pattern of the ANKA storage ring
Kehrer, B.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.
2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe, 28.März - 1.April 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) T 80.9
Design and commissioning of a new beam port for visible light diagnostics at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Kehrer, B.; Klein, M.; Judin, V.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Plech, A.; Smale, N.
2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe, 28.März - 1.April 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) T 80.5
Zeitaufgelöste Studien kohärenter Synchrotronstrahlung im ANKA Speicherring
Judin, V.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.
2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe, 28.März - 1.April 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) T 80.1
Development of X-KIT: a versatile readout system for Medipix 2 and Timepix detectors
Brogna, A. S.; Balzer, M.; Hartmann, J.; Smale, S.; Zwerger, A.; Fauler, A.; Hammann, E.; Baumbach, T.; Weber, M.; Fiederle, M.
2011. 13th Internat.Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWoRID), Zürich, CH, July 3-7, 2011
Observation of bursting behavior using multiturn measurements at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K. G.; Tavares, P. F.; Hübers, H. W.
2010. 1st Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC’10), Kyoto, J, May 23-28, 2010 Proc.publ.in the web WEPEA021
Beam coupling impedance measurements at the ANKA electron storage ring
Tavares, P.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Fitterer, M.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Smale, N. J.; Sonnad, K. G.
2010. 1st Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC’10), Kyoto, J, May 23-28, 2010 Proc.publ.in the web TUPD027
Observation of bursting behavior using multiturn measurements at ANKA
Judin, V.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K. G.; Tavares, P. F.; Hübers, H. W.
2010. 1st Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC’10), Kyoto, J, May 23-28, 2010 Proc.publ.in the web WEPEA021
Measurements of bunch length and shape at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Huttel, E.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Plech, A.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.; Bründermann, E.; Krüger, M.; Tavares Fernandes, P.
2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn, 15.-19.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) HK 59.4
Automating beam optics measurements at the ANKA storage ring
Marsching, S.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.; Tavares, P.
2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn, 15.-19.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) HK 59.2
Bestimmung der Emittanz der neuen Elektronenquelle bei ANKA
Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Hillebrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Sonnad, K.; Smale, N.; Tavares, P.
2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn, 15.-19.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) HK 37.8
Untersuchung kohärenter Synchrotronstrahlung mit Hot Electron Bolometer
Judin, V.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.; Tavares, P.
2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn, 15.-19.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) HK 34.7
Single bunch operation at ANKA : gun performance, timing and first results
Hofmann, A.; Birkel, I.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K. G.; Tavares, P. F.
2010. 1st Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC’10), Kyoto, J, May 23-28, 2010
Beam coupling impedance measurements at the ANKA electron storage ring
Tavares, P.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Fitterer, M.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Smale, N. J.; Sonnad, K. G.
2010. 1st Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC’10), Kyoto, J, May 23-28, 2010 Proc.publ.in the web TUPD027
Observation of THz-bursts with a hot electron bolometer at the ANKA storage ring
Judin, V.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Sonnad, K. G.; Semenov, A.; Tavares, P.; Huebers, H. W.
2010. 1st Internat.Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC’10), Kyoto, J, May 23-28, 2010
A full energy injector for ANKA
Huttel, E.; Birkel, I.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.
2010. Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlung an Großgeräten (SNI 2010), Berlin, 24.-26.Februar 2010
Observation of electron clouds in the ANKA undulator by means of the microwave transmission method
Sonnad, K. G.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.
2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 242–44
Status of Schottky diagnostics in the ANKA storage ring
Sonnad, K. G.; Hiller, N.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Weigel, R.
2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 236–38
Observations of coherent THz radiation from the ANKA and MLS storage rings with a hot electron bolometer
Müller, A. S.; Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Smale, N.; Huebers, H. W.; Semenov, A.; Feikes, J.; Hartrott, M.; Wüstefeld, G.; Klein, R. M.; Müller, R.; Ulm, G.; Bruendermann, E.; Bueckle, T.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.
2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 230–32
A single bunch electron gun for the ANKA injector
Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K.; Weis, T.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Weigel, R.; Blokesch, G.; Piel, C.
2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 227–29
Accelerator development
Bückle, T.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.; Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Plech, A.; Smale, N.; Müller, A. S.
2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 210–11
Storaging operation
Birkel, I.; Fischböck, T.; Huttel, E.; Krieg, U.; Kubat, R.; Müller, A. S.; Pfeifer, S.; Smale, N.; Stricker, R.; Völker, A.; Werdin, U.; Wesolowski, P.
2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 14–21
A full-energy-injector for the ANKA storage ring
Huttel, E.; Birkel, I.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.; Wesolowski, P.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TU5RFP025 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Observations of coherent THz radiation from the ANKA and MLS storage rings with a hot electron bolometer
Müller, A. S.; Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Smale, N.; Huebers, H. W.; Semenov, A.; Feikes, J.; Hartrott, M. von; Wüstefeld, G.; Klein, R. M.; Müller, R.; Ulm, G.; Bruendermann, E.; Bueckle, T.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TU5RFP027 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Status of Schottky diagnostics in the ANKA storage ring
Sonnad, K. G.; Hiller, N.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Weigel, R.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TH6PFP076 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Observation of electron clouds in the ANKA undulator by means of the microwave transmission method
Sonnad, K. G.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TH5RFP044 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
A single bunch electron gun for the ANKA injector
Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.; Weis, T.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.; Blokesch, G.; Piel, C.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version MO6RFP099 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
A full-energy-injector for the ANKA storage ring
Huttel, E.; Birkel, I.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.; Wesolowski, P.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TU5RFP025 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Observations of coherent THz radiation from the ANKA and MLS storage rings with a hot electron bolometer
Müller, A. S.; Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Smale, N.; Huebers, H. W.; Semenov, A.; Feikes, J.; Hartrott, M. von; Wüstefeld, G.; Klein, R. M.; Müller, R.; Ulm, G.; Bruendermann, E.; Bueckle, T.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TU5RFP027 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Status of Schottky diagnostics in the ANKA storage ring
Sonnad, K. G.; Hiller, N.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Weigel, R.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TH6PFP076 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Observation of electron clouds in the ANKA undulator by means of the microwave transmission method
Sonnad, K. G.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TH5RFP044 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
A single bunch electron gun for the ANKA injector
Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.; Weis, T.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.; Blokesch, G.; Piel, C.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version MO6RFP099 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Eine neue Elektronenquelle für den ANKA-Injektor
Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Klein, M.; Sonnad, K.; Piel, C.; Weis, T.; Smale, N. J.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Weigel, R.
2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, München, 9.-13.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) T 81.5
Bunchlängenmessung mit LEDs
Hiller, N.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hofmann, A.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Sonnad, K.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Rotzinger, H.; Smale, N.; Bründermann, E.
2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, München, 9.-13.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) T 80.5
MATLAB and ACS: connecting two worlds of accelerator physics
Marsching, S.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Huttel, E.; Klein, M.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.
2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, München, 9.-13.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) T 79.2
A full-energy-injector for the ANKA storage ring
Huttel, E.; Birkel, I.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Sonnad, K.; Wesolowski, P.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TU5RFP025 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Observations of coherent THz radiation from the ANKA and MLS storage rings with a hot electron bolometer
Müller, A. S.; Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Smale, N.; Huebers, H. W.; Semenov, A.; Feikes, J.; Hartrott, M. von; Wüstefeld, G.; Klein, R. M.; Müller, R.; Ulm, G.; Bruendermann, E.; Bueckle, T.; Fitterer, M.; Hillenbrand, S.; Hiller, N.; Hofmann, A.; Judin, V.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TU5RFP027 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Status of Schottky diagnostics in the ANKA storage ring
Sonnad, K. G.; Hiller, N.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Weigel, R.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TH6PFP076 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
Observation of electron clouds in the ANKA undulator by means of the microwave transmission method
Sonnad, K. G.; Caspers, F.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Huttel, E.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version TH5RFP044 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
A single bunch electron gun for the ANKA injector
Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Klein, M.; Marsching, S.; Sonnad, K. G.; Weis, T.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Weigel, R.; Blokesch, G.; Piel, C.
2009. Proc.of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC09), Vancouver, CDN, May 4-8, 2009 Pre-Press Version MO6RFP099 Vancouver : TRIUMF, 2009 publ.online
The LHCb Detector at the LHC
LHCb Collaboration; Alves, A. A., Jr.; Filho, L. M. A.; Barbosa, A. F.; Bediaga, I.; Cernicchiaro, G.; Guerrer, G.; Lima, H. P., Jr.; Machado, A. A.; Magnin, J.; Marujo, F.; Miranda, J. M. de; Reis, A.; Santos, A.; Toledo, A.; Akiba, K.; Amato, S.; Paula, B. de; Paula, L. de; Silva, T. da; Gandelman, M.; Lopes, J. H.; Maréchal, B.; Moraes, D.; Polycarpo, E.; Rodrigues, F.; Ballansat, J.; Bastian, Y.; Boget, D.; Bonis, I. D.; Coco, V.; David, P. Y.; Decamp, D.; Delebecque, P.; Drancourt, C.; Dumont-Dayot, N.; Girard, C.; Lieunard, B.; Minard, M. N.; Pietrzyk, B.; Rambure, T.; Rospabe, G.; T’Jampens, S.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Bohner, G.; Bonnefoy, R.; Borras, D.; Carloganu, C.; Chanal, H.; Conte, E.; Cornat, R.; Crouau, M.; Delage, E.; Deschamps, O.; Henrard, P.; Jacquet, P.; Lacan, C.; Laubser, J.; Lecoq, J.; Lefèvre, R.; Magne, M.; Martemiyanov, M.; Mercier, M.-L.; Monteil, S.; Niess, V.; Perret, P.; Reinmuth, G.; Robert, A.; Suchorski, S.; Arnaud, K.; Aslanides, E.; Babel, J.; Benchouk, C.; Cachemiche, J.-P.; Cogan, J.; Derue, F.; Dinkespiler, B.; Duval, P.-Y.; Garonne, V.; Favard, S.; Gac, R. L.; Leon, F.; Leroy, O.; Liotard, P.-L.; Marin, F.; Menouni, M.; Ollive, P.; Poss, S.; Roche, A.; Sapunov, M.; Tocco, L.; Viaud, B.; Tsaregorodtsev, A.; Amhis, Y.; Barrand, G.; Barsuk, S.; Beigbeder, C.; Beneyton, R.; Breton, D.; Callot, O.; Charlet, D.; D’Almagne, B.; Duarte, O.; Fulda-Quenzer, F.; Jacholkowska, A.; Jean-Marie, B.; Lefrancois, J.; Machefert, F.; Robbe, P.; Schune, M.-H.; Tocut, V.; Videau, I.; Benayoun, M.; David, P.; Buono, L. D.; Gilles, G.; Domke, M.; Futterschneider, H.; Ilgner, C.; Kapusta, P.; Kolander, M.; Krause, R.; Lieng, M.; Nedos, M.; Rudloff, K.; Schleich, S.; Schwierz, R.; Spaan, B.; Wacker, K.; Warda, K.; Agari, M.; Bauer, C.; Baumeister, D.; Bulian, N.; Fuchs, H. P.; Fallot-Burghardt, W.; Glebe, T.; Hofmann, W.; Knöpfle, K. T.; Löchner, S.; Ludwig, A.; Maciuc, F.; Nieto, F. S.; Schmelling, M.; Schwingenheuer, B.; Sexauer, E.; Smale, N. J.; Trunk, U.; Voss, H.; Albrecht, J.; Bachmann, S.; Blouw, J.; Deissenroth, M.; Deppe, H.; Dreis, H. B.; Eisele, F.; Haas, T.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Hennenberger, S.; Knopf, J.; Moch, M.; Perieanu, A.; Rabenecker, S.; Rausch, A.; Rummel, C.; Rusnyak, R.; Schiller, M.; Stange, U.; Uwer, U.; Walter, M.; Ziegler, R.; Avoni, G.; Balbi, G.; Bonifazi, F.; Bortolotti, D.; Carbone, A.; D’Antone, I.; Galli, D.; Gregori, D.; Lax, I.; Marconi, U.; Peco, G.; Vagnoni, V.; Valenti, G.; Vecchi, S.; Bonivento, W.; Cardini, A.; Cadeddu, S.; DeLeo, V.; Deplano, C.; Furcas, S.; Lai, A.; Oldeman, R.; Raspino, D.; Saitta, B.; Serra, N.; Baldini, W.; Brusa, S.; Chiozzi, S.; Ramusino, A. C.; Evangelisti, F.; Franconieri, A.; Germani, S.; Gianoli, A.; Guoming, L.; Landi, L.; Malaguti, R.; Padoan, C.; Pennini, C.; Savriè, M.; Squerzanti, S.; Zhao, T.; Zhu, M.; Bizzeti, A.; Graziani, G.; Lenti, M.; Lenzi, M.; Maletta, F.; Pennazzi, S.; Passaleva, G.; Veltri, M.; Alfonsi, M.; Anelli, M.; Balla, A.; Battisti, A.; Bencivenni, G.; Campana, P.; Carletti, M.; Ciambrone, P.; Corradi, G.; Dané, E.; DiVirgilio, A.; DeSimone, P.; Felici, G.; Forti, C.; Gatta, M.; Lanfranchi, G.; Murtas, F.; Pistilli, M.; Lener, M. P.; Rosellini, R.; Santoni, M.; Saputi, A.; Sarti, A.; Sciubba, A.; Zossi, A.; Ameri, M.; Cuneo, S.; Fontanelli, F.; Gracco, V.; Miní, G.; Parodi, M.; Petrolini, A.; Sannino, M.; Vinci, A.; Alemi, M.; Arnaboldi, C.; Bellunato, T.; Calvi, M.; Chignoli, F.; Lucia, A. D.; Galotta, G.; Mazza, R.; Matteuzzi, C.; Musy, M.; Negri, P.; Perego, D.; Pessina, G.; Auriemma, G.; Bocci, V.; Buccheri, A.; Chiodi, G.; Marco, S. D.; Iacoangeli, F.; Martellotti, G.; Nobrega, R.; Pelosi, A.; Penso, G.; Pinci, D.; Rinaldi, W.; Rossi, A.; Santacesaria, R.; Satriano, C.; Carboni, G.; Iannilli, M.; Rodrigues, A. M.; Messi, R.; Paoluzzi, G.; Sabatino, G.; Santovetti, E.; Satta, A.; Amoraal, J.; Apeldoorn, G. van; Arink, R.; Bakel, N. van; Band, H.; Bauer, T.; Berkien, A.; Beuzekom, M. van; Bos, E.; Bron, C.; Ceelie, L.; Doets, M.; Eijk, R. van der; Fransen, J.-P.; Groen, P. de; Gromov, V.; Hierck, R.; Homma, J.; Hommels, B.; Hoogland, W.; Jans, E.; Jansen, F.; Jansen, L.; Jaspers, M.; Kaan, B.; Koene, B.; Koopstra, J.; Kroes, F.; Kraan, M.; Langedijk, J.; Merk, M.; Mos, S.; Munneke, B.; Palacios, J.; Papadelis, A.; Pellegrino, A.; Petten, O. van; Pree, T. du; Roeland, E.; Ruckstuhl, W.; Schimmel, A.; Schuijlenburg, H.; Sluijk, T.; Spelt, J.; Stolte, J.; Terrier, H.; Tuning, N.; Lysebetten, A. V.; Vankov, P.; Verkooijen, J.; Verlaat, B.; Vink, W.; Vries, H. de; Wiggers, L.; Smit, G. Y.; Zaitsev, N.; Zupan, M.; Zwart, A.; Brand, J. van den; Bulten, H. J.; Jong, M. de; Ketel, T.; Klous, S.; Kos, J.; M’charek, B.; Mul, F.; Raven, G.; Simioni, E.; Cheng, J.; Dai, G.; Deng, Z.; Gao, Y.; Gong, G.; Gong, H.; He, J.; Hou, L.; Li, J.; Qian, W.; Shao, B.; Xue, T.; Yang, Z.; Zeng, M.; Muryn, B.; Ciba, K.; Oblakowska-Mucha, A.; Blocki, J.; Galuszka, K.; Hajduk, L.; Michalowski, J.; Natkaniec, Z.; Polok, G.; Stodulski, M.; Witek, M.; Brzozowski, K.; Chlopik, A.; Gawor, P.; Guzik, Z.; Nawrot, A.; Srednicki, A.; Syryczynski, K.; Szczekowski, M.; Constantin, F.; Cristian, P.; Mihon, G.; Pavel, C.; Stoica, S.; Filippov, S.; Gavrilov, Y.; Golyshkin, L.; Gushchin, E.; Karavichev, O.; Klubakov, V.; Kravchuk, L.; Kutuzov, V.; Laptev, S.; Popov, S.; Aref’ev, A.; Bobchenko, B.; Dolgoshein, V.; Egorychev, V.; Golutvin, A.; Gushchin, O.; Konoplyannikov, A.; Korolko, I.; Kvaratskheliya, T.; Machikhiliyan, I.; Malyshev, S.; Mayatskaya, E.; Prokudin, M.; Rusinov, D.; Rusinov, V.; Shatalov, P.; Shchutska, L.; Tarkovskiy, E.; Tayduganov, A.; Voronchev, K.; Zhiryakova, O.; Bobrov, A.; Bondar, A.; Eidelman, S.; Kozlinsky, A.; Shekhtman, L.; Beloous, K. S.; Dzhelyadin, R. I.; Gelitsky, Y. V.; Gouz, Y. P.; Kachnov, K. G.; Kobelev, A. S.; Matveev, V. D.; Novikov, V. P.; Obraztsov, V. F.; Ostankov, A. P.; Romanovsky, V. I.; Rykalin, V. I.; Soldatov, A. P.; Soldatov, M. M.; Tchernov, E. N.; Yushchenko, O. P.; Bochin, B.; Bondar, N.; Fedorov, O.; Golovtsov, V.; Guets, S.; Kashchuk, A.; Lazarev, V.; Maev, O.; Neustroev, P.; Sagidova, N.; Spiridenkov, E.; Volkov, S.; Vorobyev, A.; Vorobyov, A.; Aguilo, E.; Bota, S.; Calvo, M.; Comerma, A.; Cano, X.; Dieguez, A.; Herms, A.; Lopez, E.; Luengo, S.; Garra, J.; Garrido, L.; Gascon, D.; Valenzuela, A. G. de; Gonzalez, C.; Graciani, R.; Grauges, E.; Calero, A. P.; Picatoste, E.; Riera, J.; Rosello, M.; Ruiz, H.; Vilasis, X.; Xirgu, X.; Adeva, B.; Vidal, X. C.; Santos, D. M.; Pereira, D. E.; Pazos, J. L. F.; Torreira, A. G.; Gómez, C. L.; Alvarez, A. P.; Trigo, E. P.; Casasús, M. P.; Cobo, C. R.; Pérez, P. R.; Saborido, J. J.; Seco, M.; Regueiro, P. V.; Bartalini, P.; Bay, A.; Bettler, M.-O.; Blanc, F.; Borel, J.; Carron, B.; Currat, C.; Conti, G.; Dormond, O.; Ermoline, Y.; Fauland, P.; Fernandez, L.; Frei, R.; Gagliardi, G.; Gueissaz, N.; Haefeli, G.; Hicheur, A.; Jacoby, C.; Jalocha, P.; Jimenez-Otero, S.; Hertig, J.-P.; Knecht, M.; Legger, F.; Locatelli, L.; Moser, J.-R.; Needham, M.; Nicolas, L.; Perrin-Giacomin, A.; Perroud, J.-P.; Potterat, C.; Ronga, F.; Schneider, O.; Schietinger, T.; Steele, D.; Studer, L.; Tareb, M.; Tran, M. T.; Hunen, J. van; Vervink, K.; Villa, S.; Zwahlen, N.; Bernet, R.; Büchler, A.; Gassner, J.; Lehner, F.; Sakhelashvili, T.; Salzmann, C.; Sievers, P.; Steiner, S.; Steinkamp, O.; Straumann, U.; Tilburg, J. van; Vollhardt, A.; Volyanskyy, D.; Ziegler, M.; Dovbnya, A.; Ranyuk, Y.; Shapoval, I.; Borisova, M.; Iakovenko, V.; Kyva, V.; Kovalchuk, O.; Okhrimenko, O.; Pugatch, V.; Pylypchenko, Y.; Adinolfi, M.; Brook, N. H.; Head, R. D.; Imong, J. P.; Lessnoff, K. A.; Metlica, F. C. D.; Muir, A. J.; Rademacker, J. H.; Solomin, A.; Szczypka, P. M.; Barham, C.; Buszello, C.; Dickens, J.; Gibson, V.; Haines, S.; Harrison, K.; Jones, C. R.; Katvars, S.; Kerzel, U.; Lazzeroni, C.; Li, Y. Y.; Rogers, G.; Storey, J.; Skottowe, H.; Wotton, S. A.; Adye, T. J.; Densham, C. J.; Easo, S.; Franek, B.; Loveridge, P.; Morrow, D.; Morris, J. V.; Nandakumar, R.; Nardulli, J.; Papanestis, A.; Patrick, G. N.; Ricciardi, S.; Woodward, M. L.; Zhang, Z.; Chamonal, R. J. U.; Clark, P. J.; Clarke, P.; Eisenhardt, S.; Gilardi, N.; Khan, A.; Kim, Y. M.; Lambert, R.; Lawrence, J.; Main, A.; McCarron, J.; Mclean, C.; Muheim, F.; Osorio-Oliveros, A. F.; Playfer, S.; Styles, N.; Xie, Y.; Bates, A.; Carson, L.; Marinho, F. da C.; Doherty, F.; Eklund, L.; Gersabeck, M.; Haddad, L.; Macgregor, A. A.; Melone, J.; McEwan, F.; Petrie, D. M.; Paterson, S. K.; Parkes, C.; Pickford, A.; Rakotomiaramanana, B.; Rodrigues, E.; Saavedra, A. F.; Soler, F. J. P.; Szumlak, T.; Viret, S.; Allebone, L.; Awunor, O.; Back, J.; Barber, G.; Barnes, C.; Cameron, B.; Clark, D.; Clark, I.; Dornan, P.; Duane, A.; Eames, C.; Egede, U.; Girone, M.; Greenwood, S.; Hallam, R.; Hare, R.; Howard, A.; Jolly, S.; Kasey, V.; Khaleeq, M.; Koppenburg, P.; Miller, D.; Plackett, R.; Price, D.; Reece, W.; Savage, P.; Savidge, T.; Simmons, B.; Vidal-Sitjes, G.; Websdale, D.; Affolder, A.; Anderson, J. S.; Biagi, S. F.; Bowcock, T. J. V.; Carroll, J. L.; Casse, G.; Cooke, P.; Donleavy, S.; Dwyer, L.; Hennessy, K.; Huse, T.; Hutchcroft, D.; Jones, D.; Lockwood, M.; McCubbin, M.; McNulty, R.; Muskett, D.; Noor, A.; Patel, G. D.; Rinnert, K.; Shears, T.; Smith, N. A.; Southern, G.; Stavitski, I.; Sutcliffe, P.; Tobin, M.; Traynor, S. M.; Turner, P.; Whitley, M.; Wormald, M.; Wright, V.; Bibby, J. H.; Brisbane, S.; Brock, M.; Charles, M.; Cioffi, C.; Gligorov, V. V.; Handford, T.; Harnew, N.; Harris, F.; John, M. J. J.; Jones, M.; Libby, J.; Martin, L.; McArthur, I. A.; Muresan, R.; Newby, C.; Ottewell, B.; Powell, A.; Rotolo, N.; Senanayake, R. S.; Somerville, L.; Soroko, A.; Spradlin, P.; Sullivan, P.; Stokes-Rees, I.; Topp-Jorgensen, S.; Xing, F.; Wilkinson, G.; Artuso, M.; Belyaev, I.; Blusk, S.; Lefeuvre, G.; Menaa, N.; Menaa-Sia, R.; Mountain, R.; Skwarnicki, T.; Stone, S.; Wang, J. C.; Abadie, L.; Aglieri-Rinella, G.; Albrecht, E.; André, J.; Anelli, G.; Arnaud, N.; Augustinus, A.; Bal, F.; Pazos, M. C. B.; Barczyk, A.; Bargiotti, M.; Lopes, J. B.; Behrendt, O.; Berni, S.; Binko, P.; Bobillier, V.; Braem, A.; Brarda, L.; Buytaert, J.; Camilleri, L.; Cambpell, M.; Castellani, G.; Cataneo, F.; Cattaneo, M.; Chadaj, B.; Charpentier, P.; Cherukuwada, S.; Chesi, E.; Christiansen, J.; Chytracek, R.; Clemencic, M.; Closier, J.; Collins, P.; Colrain, P.; Cooke, O.; Corajod, B.; Corti, G.; D’Ambrosio, C.; Damodaran, B.; David, C.; Capua, S. de; Decreuse, G.; Degaudenzi, H.; Dijkstra, H.; Droulez, J.-P.; Ramos, D. D.; Dufey, J. P.; Dumps, R.; Eckstein, D.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Fiedler, F.; Filthaut, F.; Flegel, W.; Forty, R.; Fournier, C.; Frank, M.; Frei, C.; Gaidioz, B.; Gaspar, C.; Gayde, J.-C.; Gavillet, P.; Go, A.; Abril, G. G.; Graulich, J.-S.; Giudici, P.-A.; Elias, A. G.; Guglielmini, P.; Gys, T.; Hahn, F.; Haider, S.; Harvey, J.; Hay, B.; Morata, J.-A. H.; Alvarez, J. H.; Herwijnen, E. van; Hilke, H. J.; Holtey, G. von; Hulsbergen, W.; Jacobsson, R.; Jamet, O.; Joram, C.; Jost, B.; Kanaya, N.; Refolio, J. K.; Koestner, S.; Koratzinos, M.; Kristic, R.; Lacarrère, D.; Lasseur, C.; Lastovicka, T.; Laub, M.; Liko, D.; Lippmann, C.; Lindner, R.; Losasso, M.; Maier, A.; Mair, K.; Maley, P.; Vila, P. M.; Moine, G.; Morant, J.; Moritz, M.; Moscicki, J.; Muecke, M.; Mueller, H.; Nakada, T.; Neufeld, N.; Ocariz, J.; Aranda, C. P.; Parzefall, U.; Patel, M.; Pepe-Altarelli, M.; Piedigrossi, D.; Pivk, M.; Pokorski, W.; Ponce, S.; Ranjard, F.; Riegler, W.; Renaud, J.; Roiser, S.; Rossi, A.; Roy, L.; Ruf, T.; Ruffinoni, D.; Saladino, S.; Varela, A. S.; Santinelli, R.; Schmelling, S.; Schmidt, B.; Schneider, T.; Schöning, A.; Schopper, A.; Seguinot, J.; Snoeys, W.; Smith, A.; Smith, A. C.; Somogyi, P.; Stoica, R.; Tejessy, W.; Teubert, F.; Thomas, E.; Alarcon, J. T.; Ullaland, O.; Valassi, A.; Vannerem, P.; Veness, R.; Wicht, P.; Wiedner, D.; Witzeling, W.; Wright, A.; Wyllie, K.; Ypsilantis, T.
2008. Journal of Instrumentation, 3 (08), Art.Nr.: S08005. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08005
Energy dependent measurements of gamma and neutron dose at ANKA
Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Mueller, A.-S.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.
2008. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2008; Genoa; Italy; 23 June 2008 - 27 June 2008, 484–486, European Physical Society Accelerator Group
Characterizing THz coherent synchrotron radiation at the ANKA storage ring
Müller, A.-S.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gasharova, B.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Moss, D. A.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Bründermann, E.; Buckle, T.; Klein, M.
2008. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2008; Genoa; Italy; 23 June 2008 - 27 June 2008, 2091–2093, European Physical Society Accelerator Group
Accelerator development
Müller, A. S.; Birkel, I.; Casalbuoni, S.; Gasharova, B.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Moss, D. A.; Smale, N.; Wesolowski, P.; Bründermann, E.; Bückle, T.; Klein, M.; Hofmann, A.; Fitterer, M.; Sonnad, K.
2008. ANKA - Annual report 2008 Karlsruhe : Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
Energy dependent measurements of gamma and neutron dose at ANKA
Birkel, I.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N. J.; Wesolowski, P.
2008. ANKA - Annual report 2008 Karlsruhe : Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
Messsystem für die Energiekalibration des ANKA-Speicherrings
Bückle, T.; Birkel, I.; Fitterer, M.; Huttel, E.; Klein, M.; Müller, A. S.; Rossmanith, R.; Smale, N.; Stricker, R.; Wesolowski, P.
2008. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Freiburg, 3.-7.März 2008 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.43(2008) T 71.6
Untersuchung der Stupakov-Schwelle zur Erzeugung stabiler kohärenter THz-Strahlung
Klein, M.; Birkel, I.; Bückle, T.; Casalbuoni, S.; Fitterer, M.; Gasharova, B.; Huttel, E.; Mathis, Y. L.; Moss, D.; Müller, A. S.; Smale, N.; Süpfle, M.; Wesolowski, P.
2008. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Teilchenphysik, Freiburg, 3.-7.März 2008 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.43(2008) T 70.1